12th Annual Computer Security Incident Handling Conference
12th Annual FIRST Conference
June 25-30, 2000
Hotel Inter-Continental, Chicago, U.S.A.

The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), will hold its 12th annual international conference at the Hotel Inter-Continental, Chicago, U.S.A., June 25-30, 2000.


      FIRST Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

      Platinum Conference Sponsorship

      Gold Conference Sponsorship

      Silver Conference Sponsorship

      Individual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

      Terminal Room

      Conference Photocopying

      Conference Dinner

      Conference Bags

      Conference Welcome Recption

      Conference T-Shirts

      Conference Binders

      Conference Lunch

      Conference Tea/Coffee Breaks

      Conference Sponsorship Request Form

      Terms and Conditions

This event provides a prime opportunity for those in the operating system, computer security and networking, and telecommunications industries to gain focussed access to a highly influential group of computer security incident response experts from around the world. The conference attendees commonly provide computer security advice within their own Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) and work with their team's constituencies to suggest appropriate security strategies and appropriate technical solutions to computer security problems. FIRST conferences have a unique focus on the field of computer security incident handling and response. The conference is international in scope and attendance, with presentations on the latest in incident response and prevention, vulnerability analysis, and computer security, given by recognized experts in the field of computer security. Additionally, these events serve as the foundation for the improvement of computer security worldwide by sharing goals, ideas, and information.

The 2000 FIRST conference will continue to promote FIRST organization goals of worldwide coordination and cooperation. Attendance will include representatives from FIRST (currently over 80 member teams) in addition to policy and decision-makers, security technology innovators, site security contacts, system and network administrators. The combined international constituency served by the FIRST member teams alone is enormous, reaching into the millions. The majority of the teams and organizations represented at the conference suggest security strategies, provide technical solutions to security problems and deliver security education and training to their constituents.

First.Org, Inc., is a not for profit corporation that provides support for the FIRST organization, First.Org, Inc. In order to ensure that First.Org, Inc's limited funds are sufficient to support its mission and to attract and increased number of registrants at an affordable fee, we are seeking conference sponsorship. We are seeking organizations that are committed to computer security improvement and are concerned about the security infrastructure of the Internet and associated communications elements to participate in this conference as a sponsor.

Thank you for taking the time to read our sponsorship material. We look forward to hearing from you regarding your interest in these sponsorship opportunities and hope that they will be of interest to your business in 2000.

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FIRST Conference Sponsorship Opportunites
FIRST – A gateway to millions of security conscious customers
FIRST has an excellent track record of organizing well attended conferences. Our annual conference attracts computer and network security professionals from industry and commercial organizations as well as the research and academic environments. The combined international constituency served by the FIRST member teams alone is enormous, reaching into the millions. The conference schedule is normally just over five days in length. The conference usually begins with a welcome (or ice-breaker) reception on the Sunday evening, tutorials on the Monday, a conference dinner on Wednesday and the main conference sessions Tuesday through Friday. The conferences usually attract between 150-200 attendees from more than 90 teams and 22 countries. We have limited sponsorship opportunities available and it is first come, first served, so please act quickly!

Levels of Sponsorship Include:
Platinum Conference Sponsor(only 1 available)
Gold Conference Sponsor(only 3 available)
Silver Conference Sponsor(only 5 available)
Individual Sponsorship Packages
Conference Terminal Room(only 1 available)
Conference Photocopying(only 1 available)
Conference Dinner (only 1 available)
Conference Bags(only 1 available)
Conference Welcome Reception (only 1 available)
Conference T-Shirts(only 1 available)
Conference Binders(only 1 available)
Conference Lunch(only 5 available)
Conference Tea/Coffee(only 5 available)

Sponsorship is not limited to financial support per se, but can also take the form of provision of material hardware/software etc. Should your company be interested in sponsorship package not listed in this brochure then please feel free to contact us to discuss your preferences.

Some of the Benefits Include:
Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors will receive a number of complementary attendee passes. All sponsors will have their company's name and logo (within productions schedule) featured in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

This FIRST conferences sponsorship opportunities brochure is designed to provide you with the information you need to allow your organization to choose your desired level of involvement and exposure to attendees of a FIRST conference.

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platnium sponsor

Platinum Conference Sponsor
Only One Available: USD$20,000

The platinum conference sponsorship package combines marketing and branding association before the event and maximum exposure during the conference. Only one sponsorship at this level is available. Benefits include:

  • Addressing the Conference
    The platinum sponsor is the only sponsor given the opportunity to address the conference. As the platinum sponsor you will have the opportunity to address the conference for 5 to 10 minutes during the closing conference session.

  • Press Conference
    As the platinum conference sponsor your company is entitled to organize a press conference during the conference.

  • Name Badges
    The platinum sponsor is the only sponsor whose company logo appears on the attendee name badges. Your company logo will be featured along side the FIRST 2000 Conference logo on the attendee name badges.

  • Conference Binder
    As the platinum sponsor your company logo will appear on cover of the attendee binders. Only the Conference Binder sponsor and the FIRST 2000 Conference logos are featured more prominently on the cover of the attendee binders.

  • Conference Bags
    As the platinum sponsor your company logo will appear along side the FIRST 2000 Conference logo on the attendee bags. Only the Conference Bag sponsor is featured more prominently on the attendee bags.

  • Signage Rights
    The platinum sponsor is entitled to provide appropriate signage in the main conference rooms (excluding the welcome reception, conference dinner, conference lunches and terminal room) and the conference registration area. The platinum sponsor's signage will be more prominent than those of any co-sponsors.

    Conference Projection Backdrop
    As the platinum sponsor your company logo will appear along side the FIRST 2000 Conference logo and more prominently than those of any gold sponsors on the default projection backdrop in the main conference hall. This backdrop will be used during general announcements, at the start and end of sessions and at all other times during the proceedings when the projector is not in use by presenters.

  • Attendee Passes
    The platinum sponsor will be offered 5 complimentary attendee passes with the option to purchase more at a 25% discount off the applicable registration fee.

  • Exclusive FIRST 2000 Conference Platinum Sponsor Logo
    As the platinum conference sponsor your company is entitled to exclusive use of the FIRST 2000 Conference Platinum Sponsor Logo to place on your WWW server to promote your company's commitment to the 12th FIRST Conference.

  • Pre-Conference Promotional Material and Conference Brochures
    As the platinum conference sponsor your company's name and logo appear more prominently than those of any co-sponsors and will be featured (within productions schedule) in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server, on a display board in the conference registration area and in any other pre-conference promotional material.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    As the platinum conference sponsor you have the opportunity to distribute your company's brochure and a gift/giveaway to be included in the attendee pack which is distributed to participants upon registration at the conference.

  • Acknowledgements
    As the platinum sponsor you will be thanked during the opening and closing conference sessions.

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gold sponsor

Gold Conference Sponsor
Only Three Available: USD$10,000

The gold conference sponsorship package combines marketing and branding association before the event and extensive exposure during the conference. Only three sponsorships at this level are available. Benefits include:

  • Signage Rights
    A gold sponsor is entitled to provide appropriate signage in the conference registration area. Only the platinum conference sponsor's signage will feature more prominently than those of the gold sponsors.

  • Conference Projection Backdrop
    As a gold sponsor your company logo will appear along side those of other gold sponsors on the default projection backdrop in the main conference hall. This backdrop will be used during general announcements, at the start and end of sessions and at all other times during the proceedings when the projector is not in use by presenters. Only the FIRST 2000 Conference logo and Platinum sponsor logo will feature more prominently.

  • Attendee Passes
    Each gold sponsor will be offered 4 complimentary attendee passes with the option to purchase more at a 20% discount off the applicable registration fee.

  • FIRST 2000 Conference Gold Sponsor Logo
    As a gold conference sponsor your company is entitled to use of the FIRST 2000 Conference Gold Sponsor Logo to place on your WWW server to promote your company's commitment to the 12th FIRST Conference.

  • Pre-Conference Promotional Material and Conference Brochures
    As a gold conference sponsor your company's name and logo appear more prominently than those of any silver or individual conference option sponsors and will be featured (within productions schedule) in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area and in any other pre-conference promotional material.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    As a gold conference sponsor you have the opportunity to distribute your company's brochure and a gift/giveaway to be included in the attendee pack which is distributed to participants upon registration at the conference.

  • Acknowledgements
    As a gold sponsor you will be thanked during the opening and closing conference sessions.

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silver sponsor

Silver Conference Sponsor
Only Five Available: USD$7,000

The silver conference sponsorship package combines marketing and branding association before the event and exposure during the conference. Only five sponsorships at this level are available. Benefits include:

  • Attendee Passes
    Each silver sponsor will be offered 2 complementary attendee passes with the option to purchase more at a 10% discount off the applicable registration fee.

  • FIRST 2000 Conference Silver Sponsor Logo
    As a silver conference sponsor your company is entitled to use of the FIRST 2000 Conference Silver Sponsor Logo to place on your WWW server to promote your company's commitment to the 12th FIRST Conference.

  • Pre-Conference Promotional Material and Conference Brochures
    As a silver conference sponsor your company's name and logo appear more prominently than those of any individual conference option sponsors and will be featured (within productions schedule) in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area and in any other pre-conference promotional material.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    As a silver conference sponsor you have the opportunity to distribute your company's brochure and a gift/giveaway to be included in the attendee pack which is distributed to participants upon registration at the conference.

  • Acknowledgements
    As a silver sponsor you will be thanked during the opening and closing conference sessions.

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Individual Conference Sponsorship Options
For companies wishing to target specific day, materials, or social events during the conference, individual sponsorship provides an attractive option. This allows your organization to choose your desired level of involvement and exposure to attendees at the FIRST conference.

One key reason why attendees come to the FIRST conference is to establish contact with members of other CSIRT around the world so social events such as the ice-breaker, conference dinner, lunches and breaks are very well attended.

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Terminal Room
Equipment and Services Only

Given the nature of the work that the conference attendees are involved in it is crucial for them to be able to have Internet access during the conference to allow them to connect to their home base and access email, etc. This type of sponsorship targets the users of the well-visited terminal room and guarantees high visibility during whole of the conference.

The sponsor commits to provide an Internet connected local area network with a minimum of 30 connections (15 workstations and 15 10 Base-T hub) and a laser printer at the conference facility (for sole use of the conference attendees). In addition appropriate security software is required such as provision of antiviral software (recent version and actual signature files) and SSH client software (recent version). The sponsor will set-up and break down the equipment and cover usage costs, provide connectivity, wiring and appropriate insurance for usage of the equipment at the conference.

  • Signage Rights
    In the terminal room signage will be restricted to only appropriate signage provided by the terminal room sponsor. Signage can be located in the terminal room and at the entrance to it.

  • Monitor Backgrounds
    As terminal room sponsor you have the right to configure your terminal room equipment so that your company's name and logo appears on the background screens or as screen saver.

  • Conference Brochures
    As the conference terminal room sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    As terminal room sponsor you have the opportunity to distribute your company's brochure and a gift/giveaway to attendees in the terminal room.

  • Acknowledgements
    As terminal room sponsor you will be thanked during the opening and closing conference sessions.

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Conference Photocopying
Equipment and Services Only

To ensure that attendees are provided with the most up-to-date information FIRST conference presenters often update their presentations or provide additional materials at the last minute. The conference relies of the availability of high quality, fast-turnaround photocopying equipment or service to meet its needs. This package offers a company the opportunity to associate itself with provision of a high quality, reliable and critical service.

The sponsor commits to provide or pay for the provision of two high speed black and white photocopiers with double-sided printing, magnification/reduction, collating and stapling capabilities at the conference facility (for sole use of the conference organizers). The sponsor will set-up and break down the equipment and cover usage costs, provide adequate toner supplies and appropriate insurance and maintenance for usage of the equipment at the conference.

  • Signage Rights
    The conference photocopying sponsor is entitled to provide appropriate desktop signage in the area used to distribute materials that are produced using your equipment.

  • Conference Visibility
    As the conference photocopying sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

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Conference Dinner
Only One Available: USD$5,000

The conference dinner usually takes place on the Wednesday evening and provides an excellent sponsorship opportunity. The event usually includes local entertainment from the region, includes the wrap up of any presentations and awards and is considered the social highlight of the conference. A cuisine of high quality is provided for the conference dinner.
  • Signage Rights
    At the conference dinner signage will be restricted to only appropriate signage provided by the conference dinner sponsor. Signage can be located in the dining room and at the entrance to it. At the conference dinner your company's name and logo will be prominently featured on each dining table and on the printed dinner menu.

  • Dinner Passes
    Your company may invite up to three additional representatives to attend the conference dinner.

  • Conference Brochures
    As the conference dinner sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    At the conference dinner, you will have the opportunity to distribute one item of your company's literature and a gift/giveaway at each place setting.

  • Acknowledgements
    As the conference dinner sponsor you will be thanked during the announcements that evening.

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Conference Bags
Only One Available: USD$3,000

The sponsorship of Conference bags is geared for a company that requires high visibility. This package ensures that your company's name stands out not only at the time of the Conference but also long after the event.
  • Conference Visibility
    As the conference bag sponsor your logo is featured more prominently on the attendee bags than the FIRST 2000 Conference logo, and those of the platinum sponsor. The conference bags are distributed to each conference attendee.

  • Conference Brochures
    As the conference bag sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

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Conference Welcome Reception (Ice Breaker)
Only One Available: USD$2,500

The conference welcome reception takes place on the Sunday evening before the official opening of the conference. This is an excellent sponsorship opportunity as this is the established meeting place for first time attendees to make contacts and for previous attendees to reaffirming existing contacts. The event usually includes a theme to encourage attendee interactions at the ice breaker and throughout the conference.
  • Signage Rights
    In the conference welcome reception room signage will be restricted to only appropriate signage provided by the conference welcome reception sponsor.

  • Reception Passes
    Your company may invite up to three additional representatives to attend the conference welcome reception.

  • Conference Brochures
    As the conference welcome reception sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    At the conference welcome reception, you will have the opportunity to provide your own booth to distribute items of your company's literature and gifts/giveaways.

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Conference T-shirts
Only One Available: USD$2,500

For direct one-to-one exposure with after event visibility, this package offers a unique and collectable way of ensuring your company's logo is seen long after the Conference.
  • Marketing Exposure
    A T-shirt will be given to each attendee upon registration at the Conference. Conference T-shirts are often collected and so prolong the logo visibility. Your company's logo and the FIRST Conference logo will be printed on each T-shirt.

  • Conference Brochures
    As a the conference T-shirt sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

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Conference Binders
Only One Available: USD$2,500

The sponsorship of Conference binders is geared for a company that desires visibility. This package ensures that your company's name stands out not only at the time of the Conference but also long after the event when the attendees refer to conference materials.
  • Conference Visibility
    Your company's logo will be printed along with the conference logo on the spine of the attendee binders. On the front of the attendee binder your company logo will feature more prominently than the platinum sponsor logo. Only the FIRST 2000 Conference logo will feature more prominently on the cover of the attendee binders. The conference binders are distributed to each conference attendee.

  • Conference Brochures
    As the conference binder sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

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Conference Lunch
Only Five Available: USD$2,000

Whilst taking place within the formal framework of the conference, an official lunch also provides the opportunity to emphasis your organization's services or products in a more congenial setting.
  • Signage Rights
    As a sponsor of a conference lunch you are entitled to provide appropriate signage in the lunch room on the day of your sponsored lunch. The signage in the lunch room each day will be restricted to only that of the lunch sponsor for the given day. At your sponsored lunch, your company's name and logo will be prominently featured on dining tables.

  • Lunch Passes
    Your company may invite up to three additional representatives to the lunch.

  • Conference Brochures
    As a conference lunch sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

  • Company Literature and Giveaway
    At your conference lunch, you will have the opportunity to distribute an item of your company's literature and gifts/giveaways at a display table.

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Conference Tea/Coffee Breaks
Only Five Available: USD$1,000

There are tea and coffee breaks each day of the main conference and the day of the tutorial sessions. In addition to tea and coffee soft drinks are often served and snacks such as cookies and fruit etc. Conference attendees often linger over a drink and a snack for discussions during and after these breaks. Sponsorship includes tea and coffee breaks for a single day of the conference.
  • Marketing Exposure
    As a sponsor of a day's tea/coffee break, your company's name and logo will be prominently featured where the snacks and beverages are served during both the morning and afternoon break.

  • Conference Brochures
    As a conference Tea/Coffee break sponsor your company's name and logo appear (within productions schedule) alongside other individual conference option sponsors in the conference binder, on the FIRST WWW server and on a display board in the conference registration area.

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2000 FIRST Conference Sponsorship Request Form
All request for sponsorship must use this form. All incoming requests are handled on a first come, first served basis. Prior to completing this sponsorship request form please review the terms and conditions below. Print and/or fax a completed and signed copy of this form to:

Attention: Phoebe J. Boelter
CAPS, Ltd.
212 West Washington, Suite 1703
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: +1 (312) 372-1255
Fax: +1 (312) 372-1427
E-mail: capsltd@mcs.com
Sponsor Information
Company Name (as it should appear on recognition):
Contact Title:
Contact First Name:Contact Last Name:
Zip/Postal Code:Country:
Phone (Include country code):Fax:
Email address:WWW URL:
Sponsorship Level Requested: (check all that apply)
Platinum Conference Sponsor [   ] USD$20,000
Gold Conference Sponsor [   ] USD$10,000
Silver Conference Sponsor [   ] USD$7,000
Individual Sponsorship Packages
Conference Terminal Room [   ] Equipment & Services Only
Conference Photocopying [   ] Equipment & Services Only
Conference Dinner [   ] USD$5,000
Conference Bags [   ] USD$3,000
Conference Welcome Reception [   ] USD$2,500
Conference T-Shirts [   ] USD$2,500
Conference Binders [   ] USD$2,500
Conference Lunch - Monday [   ] USD$2,000
Conference Lunch - Tuesday [   ] USD$2,000
Conference Lunch - Wednesday [   ] USD$2,000
Conference Lunch - Thursday [   ] USD$2,000
Conference Lunch - Friday [   ] USD$2,000
Conference Tea/Coffee - Monday [   ] USD$1,000
Conference Tea/Coffee - Tuesday [   ] USD$1,000
Conference Tea/Coffee - Wednesday [   ] USD$1,000
Conference Tea/Coffee - Thursday [   ] USD$1,000
Conference Tea/Coffee - Friday [   ] USD$1,000
Total amount of sponsorship requested: US$
Signature: Date:

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Terms and Conditions
  1. All sponsorships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Sponsors need to be committed to computer security improvement, concerned about the security infrastructure of the Internet and associated communications elements and be supportive of FIRST's mission to participate in this conference as a sponsor. First.Org, Inc., retains the right to reject any sponsor that it deems inappropriate.

  2. After written acceptance by First.Org, Inc., the sponsor must provide the sponsorship funds, logo image (in the format required by First.Org, Inc.,) and other details required (such as correct use of the sponsor's name, trademarks etc) to First.Org, Inc., within 10 days of receipt of acceptance.

  3. Sponsorship pledges cannot be processed without payment. Funds must be payable in US dollars. All checks should be made payable to First.Org, Inc. -- Conference 2000 Sponsorship and sent to:

    Attention: Phoebe J. Boelter
    CAPS, Ltd.
    212 West Washington, Suite 1703
    Chicago, IL 60606
    Phone: +1 (312) 372-1255
    Fax: +1 (312) 372-1427
  4. The sponsorship fee does not include free conference registration unless specifically stated in the sponsorship opportunity details.

  5. Provision of FIRST conference sponsorship does not entitle the sponsor to a waiver of any applicable annual FIRST membership fee.

  6. All sponsorship materials must be submitted before 1st May 2000.

  7. Sponsors may not sublet, assign or apportion any part of the item(s) sponsored nor represent advertise or distribute literature or materials for the products or services of any other firm or organization except as approved in writing by First.Org, Inc.

  8. First.Org, Inc., will not be liable for damage or loss to a sponsor's properties through fire, theft, accident, or any other cause, whether the result of negligence or otherwise.

  9. No part of an exhibit and no signs or other materials may be pasted, nailed, or otherwise affixed to walls, doors or other surfaces in a way that mars or defaces the premises or equipment and furnishings. Damage from failure to observe this notice is payable by the sponsor.

  10. Participation at FIRST Steering Committee and FIRST AGM meetings is restricted to FIRST members only, the FIRST Steering Committee and their invited guests.

  11. At the wish of the FIRST membership, the FIRST conference program itself is not open to sponsorship. However sponsors are welcome to respond to the conference call for papers for consideration with other submissions.

  12. Sponsorship is not limited to financial support per se, but can also take the form of provision of material hardware/software etc. Should your company be interested in sponsorship package not listed in this brochure then please feel free to contact us to discuss your preferences.

  13. Sponsors are allowed to offer pledges for single or multiple items/events.

  14. For those sponsorship opportunities that include signage please note - Signage space may be limited. The conference organizers will inform each sponsor of the maximum size, number of signs etc.

  15. In order to limit costs FIRST.Org, Inc and the conference organizers may limit the number of colors used for the printing of sponsor logos.

First.Org Inc., acknowledges the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA) for their permission to base this package on their conference sponsorship documents.

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