FIRST - Improving Security Together

Corporate Executive Programme

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Biography of Christine Greenhalgh\nBritish Telecommunications

Christine’s career covers over 20 years in ICT. She is currently Head of Network Continuity for British Telecommunications Wholesale Products and Services, where she is responsible for the definition of policy, service capability and the assessment and management of risk. Prior to this she led Strategic Development for BTs Secure Business Services, providing information security services to global clients, taking an integrated, risk management approach across all organisational boundaries. Christine has worked in many aspects of telecommunications, and has experience in technical, commercial and customer service disciplines. In the course of her career she has built new global capabilities in managed ICT services and information security and delivered multi-million pound contracts for card authorisation, payment systems and banking. Christine is a founder-member of DIAN, the Directors’ Information Assurance Network, part of the Information Assurance Advisory Council. Prior to working for BT, Christine worked for Ferranti in computing and communications systems. She has a degree in physics and an MBA.
