Greetings FIRST Community,

2024 has been an exciting year of memorable programming, including the annual conference, which visited Japan in June! With just four months before the end of the year, we want to highlight the content and opportunities still to come.

This digest includes…

Follow us on YouTube! Missed the conference? No problem! TLP:CLEAR recordings from the 36th Annual FIRST Conference held in Fukuoka, Japan are now available for streaming alongside the recorded content from the 2024 Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference and VulnCon 2024! Check out the content on FIRST’s Official YouTube channel and be sure to like and subscribe!

There are still a ton of opportunities to get involved and learn in 2024! Save the dates below and join us for more networking and skill sharing before the year ends.

August 28, 2024 | EPSS Special Interest Group Chairs Webinar

FIRST EPSS SIG chairs, Jay Jacobs and Stephen Shaffer, will be joining a Nucleus Security hosted webinar August 28, 2024. The webinar will provide a guide through operationalizing EPSS by combining it with extensive business and asset information, including internet accessibility, data sensitivity, asset criticality, and compliance scopes. Register and learn more here.

APNIC/FIRST Technical Colloquium

Wellington (NZ), September 4-6, 2024

This FIRST Technical Colloquium will be held as a part of the APNIC58 Conference in Wellington, New Zealand this September 4-6, 2024. The TC session will take place Thursday, September 5, 2024.

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Vulnerability Forecasting Technical Colloquium

Utrecht (NL), October 3-4, 2024

Join us in the Netherlands for the second edition of this unique assembly on vulnerability forecasting and prediction. Sponsorship opportunities are now available if your company is interested in supporting the meeting. Join us in Utrecht to talk metrics, measurement, and moderation of vulnerabilities! Registration and more details coming soon.

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Valencia 2024 UNDP/UNICC/FIRST Technical Colloquium

Valencia (ES), October 7-8, 2024

The UNDP CDN will take place at the United Nations Support Base in Valencia, Spain. The FIRST Technical Colloquium will run on the 7-8 of October with one day for plenary presentations/speakers and another for training/workshops. The call for presentations for the event ends September 16 and registration closes September 23.

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2024 FIRST Regional Symposium Latin America & Caribbean

Asunción (PY), October 9-10

This FIRST symposium will be co-located with LACNIC 42 / LACNOG 2024 at the Conmebol Convention Center in Asunción, Paraguay. It promises to be a great opportunity for CSIRTs of the Latin American and Caribbean region to network with neighboring operators and security professionals. The meeting is open to FIRST members and non-members alike with virtual viewing options available for the plenary sessions. Sponsorship opportunities are available!

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Oslo 2024 FIRST Technical Colloquium Cold Incident Response

Oslo (NO), October 15-17

FIRST Teams based in Norway meet regularly to exchange information and tackle the latest developments in the threat landscape. The annual Cold Incident Response conference held in Oslo is FIRST Norway's way of sharing knowledge and know-how on security monitoring and incident response with the broader community. This year, seats at the event require an application, the window to apply closes Thursday, September 5th.

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2024 APCERT & FIRST Regional Symposium for Asia Pacific

Taipei (TW), November 7-8, 2024

In conjunction with the APCERT Annual General Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, the 2024 Regional Symposium for Asia Pacific is a joint effort to facilitate global collaboration and to provide opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing. The program will feature one day of Plenary sessions and another dedicated to training from MITRE ATLAS. Registration is now available at the link below! The Symposium’s Call of Speakers is open through September 12.

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2025 TF-CSIRT Meeting & FIRST Regional Symposium Europe

Monte Carlo (MC), January 14–16, 2025

Headed to Monte Carlo, Monaco, the annual TF-CSIRT Meeting will be held alongside the FIRST regional symposium for Europe. Hosted by CERT Monaco, this meeting is open to members and non-members of the incident response community. Stay tuned for Call for Speaker and sponsorship opportunities coming soon.

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Amsterdam 2025 FIRST Technical Colloquium

Amsterdam (NL), March 25-27, 2025

Returning to Amsterdam, this popular TC is focused on incident response and responders and is a great opportunity for those who have an interest in the technical side of incident response. Call for Papers and registration information will be coming soon. Save the date!

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2025 CVE Program & FIRST VulnCon

Raleigh (NC), US - April 7-10, 2025 | #VULNCON25

The CVE/FIRST VulnCon & Annual CNA Summit will be returning to Raleigh, North Carolina in 2025! Bookmark the dates: April 7-10, 2025, at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center at North Carolina State University. Sponsorship opportunities are now available!

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2025 Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference | #FIRSTCTI25

Berlin (DE), April 21-23, 2025

Save the Date for the next installment of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference, returning to Berlin, Germany in April 2025! Registration and call for papers information coming soon.

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37th Annual FIRST Conference

Copenhagen (DK), June 22-27, 2025

The 37th Annual FIRST Conference will be held June 22-27, 2025, in the seaside city of Copenhagen, Denmark. Bookmark the conference website now to stay up to date on all of the exciting FIRSTCON25 news! Sponsorship opportunities will be available soon, and the Call for Speakers tentatively opens on October 31, 2025.