Welcome to the new look FIRST POST - we've changed to this format from the previous PDF style. This will allow us to be more flexible on content and timing as well as being easier to read on mobile devices.

There's more detail and content on the website - so click on the section titles to read more.

123456 again?! Why aren't we learning to address the human factor more successfully?

People have become the main driver for breaches but the human factors remain insufficiently addressed in the IT security sector. We are working on changing that.

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The EPSS SIG has been working diligently updating the powerful machine learning model behind the vulnerability prediction scores. Supported by the growing SIG of 180 people from around the world, and across different industries, EPSS is expanding and improving month over month.

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Capture the flag Sponsorship Opportunities

The build of the permanent Capture the flag by the SecLounge SIG has been going along well and we are happy to inform you that with the launching of this new service we have a new Sponsoring opportunity. The package includes the display of the logo for one year on the platform as well as designing the layout theme for all pages. This is in addition to the traditional sponsoring of the CTF at the annual conference. We also still look for a sponsor for this opportunity. If you or your company is interested, please contact events@first.org

Remembering Andrew Cormack - by Serge Droz

It’s with great sadness that we learned Andrew Cormack had passed away in April. Andrew was more than just an expert. His curious and open mind inspired many in our community.

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Profile Deactivation on FIRST Portal

As FIRST continues to steadily grow, we face the need to keep our directory and team rosters updated. To accomplish this we will be working to ensure that accounts registered on FIRST Portal are actively being used and encouraged to be kept updated.

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Board in Tokyo

The board came together in Tokyo for a 3 day meeting to review progress and work on future strategy. We met in Japan in preparation for next year's conference in Fukuoka.

We were hosted by Yukako Uchida and the JPCERT/CC team. Their hospitality was awesome and greatly helped the meeting’s success.

On Monday night we held a social event for Japanese teams. It was great to see folks again and rekindle friendships that have been on hold since the last conference in Dublin, or even pre-pandemic for some.

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Rw-CSIRT (Rwanda Computer Security Incident Response Team) joined FIRST on November 18th, 2022. The team is located in Kigali, Rwanda.

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Suguru Yamaguchi Fellowship Program

The Suguru Yamaguchi fellowship program is an initiative that supports teams with national coordination responsibilities to be part of the FIRST community. The board has been looking at how we can increase the support to teams in this program - through mentorship and other avenues.

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New Teams: May Update

30 teams and 11 liaison members were accepted into FIRST between January and April.

You can see the entire list here.

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'We're very interested in any feedback on this new format and the content - please let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions at first-sec@first.org