Message from the Chair

By Tracy Bills

If you are like me, the annual conference is the professional highlight of the year with its many great sessions and networking opportunities. This year’s event was no exception. If you were not able to attend or want to revisit some of the presentations, please check them out. I would like to extend a special thanks to the outstanding number of attendees and support from sponsors this year for making the conference a huge success!

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Board members Roles and Responsibilities for 2024/2025

By Chris Gibson

As mentioned, in the article from Tracy Bills, at the board meeting in Madrid the board reviewed the various responsibilities each board member is focused on for the next year. This role includes reviewing present status, working to add detail on their areas to the strategic plan as well as 2025 goals and budget.

As FIRST has now taken on full time staff, board roles are changing from the more “hands on” roles to a more” strategic and oversight”. This allows the board to focus on long term planning and goals, greatly enhancing the decision making process.

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FIRST-AJCCBC Workshop Series – Summer 2024

By Klée Aiken and Olivier Caleff

FIRST delivered four remote workshop sessions from June to July 2024. The training collaboration was made possible with the generous support of Swiss international cooperation and humanitarian aid and a partnership between the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), AJCCBC, and FIRST

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First NETSEC training in Fukuoka

By Adrian Hendrick on behalf of the FIRST NETSEC SIG co-chairs

The FIRST NETSEC SIG successfully launched its first Network Security Fundamental Training for the FIRST community and attendees of the 2024 FIRST Annual Conference in Fukuoka. The training took place on June 15, 2024, the day following the conference, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Seahawk Hilton Fukuoka. It was attended by key figures in network security in Japan and members from NETSEC SIG who are involved in network coordination (e.g., APNIC, JANOG). The training was planned by all NETSEC SIG co-chairs, its execution led by FIRST NETSEC SIG co-chairs John Kristoff, Merike Kaeo, Aaron Kaplan and organized by Hendrik Adrian. The event facility was generously sponsored by Cyber Emergency Center of LAC.

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Looking back at the Fukuoka Annual Conference

By Yukako Uchida

FIRSTCON24 in Fukuoka, Japan was another successful conference for the FIRST community. The event attracted more than 1,000 participants both including in-person and virtual attendees around the world, which marked a new record. The conference feedback survey also showed that the event mostly met the expectation of the participants. Once again, on behalf of the FIRST Board of Directors, we would like to thank everyone who was involved in the conference; sponsors, speakers, trainers, program committee (especially to Taki Uchiyama, the PC Chair), all the participants and staff.

A brief summary of FIRSTCON24 is available on the FIRST website. Also, the record of TLP:CLEAR sessions from the conference have been uploaded on FIRST’s YouTube channel. The playlist is available here.

We look forward to seeing you again at FIRSTCON25, scheduled for June 22-25, 2025 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Training on Fundamentals of Cyber Threat Intelligence successfully delivered at the International Information Technology University (IITU), Almaty, Kazakhstan

By Swapneel Patnekar

Capacity building is a crucial area of focus at FIRST. In addition to various workshops scheduled pre-conference, FIRST also engages with multiple stakeholders to organize on-site training.

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FIRST at the Summer School on Internet Governance in Meissen

By Michael Hausding

The European Summer School in Information Geometry (EuroSSIG), held in Meissen, Germany, is an educational event that brings together experts, researchers, students and academics as well as individuals working in the private sector or in government, to understand better the global Internet Governance controversy and to get a comprehensive and structured knowledge on the various aspects of Internet Governance.

For the EuroSSIG 2024 Michael Hausding from FIRST supported teaching two topics: “Incident Response” and “DNS Abuse”. Both topics are of great interest for policy makers and it was an excellent opportunity to engage with the policy makers from around the world.

Special Interest Group Updates

By Désirée Sacher-Boldewin and Olivier Caleff

The Special Interest Groups have been very active again in the past few months since the annual conference, here you can find the newest updates.

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FIRST Newcomers & Membership Committee

By Nora Duhig, Olivier Caleff, and Nadia Yousef

FIRST welcomed 51 newcomers between May and September 2024: 36 teams, and 15 liaisons. They are based in Europe (21), South America (11), Asia (10), North America (8), Africa (1),

Congratulations to all of them, and thank you for all the primary and secondary sponsors who accompanied them. It is a real effort that is to be recognized. Stay tuned!

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IMPORTANT: Heads-Up on VAT for FIRST for all events in EUROPE from 2025 onward

As we are in times of social engineering, spoofing, and fake invoices, the FIRST organization is announcing a change that may be seen as a scam, but it is NOT!

In order to follow European Union regulations FIRST is required to collect VAT on registration fees and sponsorship for all events in Europe. In order to do so, FIRST sealed a contract with VMC, a company based in France who specializes in VAT management.

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FIRST Gains Momentum in Media Landscape

By Jordan Mitchell

FIRST continues to make waves in the cybersecurity sphere and was recently highlighted in globally-respected CIO as a premier IT leadership organization. Q3 continued our strong Q2 performance, which saw exceptional media traction with 36 earned coverage pieces—a stunning 514% achievement against our target.

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Upcoming Events

Valencia 2024 UNDP/UNICC/FIRST Technical Colloquium

October 7-8, 2024
Valencia (ES)

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2024 FIRST Regional Symposium Latin America & Caribbean

October 9-10
Asunción (PY)

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Oslo 2024 FIRST Technical Colloquium Cold Incident Response

October 15-17
Oslo (NO)

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2024 APCERT & FIRST Regional Symposium for Asia Pacific

November 7-8, 2024
Taipei (TW)

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2024 FIRST & AfricaCERT Symposium: Africa and Arab Regions

November 26-28, 2024
Livingstone (ZM)

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2025 TF-CSIRT Meeting & FIRST Regional Symposium Europe

January 14–16, 2025
Monte Carlo (MC)

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Amsterdam 2025 FIRST Technical Colloquium

March 25-27, 2025
Amsterdam (NL)

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2025 CVE Program & FIRST VulnCon

April 7-10, 2025
Raleigh (NC), US

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2025 Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference

April 21-23, 2025
Berlin (DE)

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FIRST on Social Media

Are you aware of the social network presence of FIRST? Our handle name is ‘firstdotorg’. Time to start following us if you haven’t done so.

This newsletter was made possible by the contributions of Team members, Liaisons, FIRST staff, and Board members: Tracy Bills, Chris Gibson, Klée Aiken, Olivier Caleff, Adrian Hendrick, Yukako Uchida, Swapneel Patnekar, Michael Hausding, Désirée Sacher-Boldewin, Nora Duhig, Nadia Yousef, Giovana Vaz, and Maria Fernanda de Paula.