
FIRST Impressions Podcast FIRST Impressions

The FIRST conference podcast has been sharing news and discussions for the FIRST community for a number of years. With the ever-changing landscape of digital events, the FIRST Impressions podcast brings you a more regularly scheduled podcast focusing on discussions from across the incident response and security spectrum. Hosted by Chris John Riley and Martin McKeay, new episodes released first Friday of the month!

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Chris John Riley Chris John Riley

Chris John Riley is a Staff Security Engineer, and has been attending FIRST events for over 12 years. In his spare time, Chris collects books (that he never finds time to read), spends his weekend taking long romantic walks from the sofa to the kitchen (mostly for snacks), and enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Martin McKeay Martin McKeay

With nearly two decades of experience in the IT and security field, Martin is a well-seasoned professional dedicated to spreading awareness about security and privacy. He is the senior editor of Akamai's State of the Internet / Security report, his attempt to provide intelligence on attacks to the industry and make up for the time he spent as a QSA. He's also just a pretty nice guy in general, with a wicked sense of humor and a finely honed blade of sarcasm.


Follow-up with what's happening at FIRST Annual FIRST Conference. Chats, interviews and news will be broadcasted by this podcast.

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