Time Zone
Vienna is located within the Central European time zone (CET).
Vienna uses 230V wattage—the European 2-pin plug is standard.
German is the primary language in Austria. English is the most common foreign language spoken in Austria.
The legal tender in Austria is the Euro. For the latest exchange rates, please visit www.xe.com
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMS) are called Bankomats in Austria and can be found throughout the city and at the Vienna International Airport.
Area Code
Vienna's area code is + 43 1
Vienna is generally mild with moderate westerly winds. The average temperatures in June range from 13.5-23.4°C (56-74°F).
It is customary to tip in Austria. The recommended percentage is 5-10%.
Ambulance Telephone: 144
Physicians on Standby Telephone: 141
Euro Emergency Telephone: 112
Physicians Hotline for Visitors (24 hours) Telephone: 513 95 95
All visitors residing outside the EU are entitled to a value-added tax (VAT) refund. Minimum purchase of EUR 75.01. For more information, please visit http://www.wien.info/en/shopping-wining-dining/shopping/tax-free.