Do you have specific questions? Please send inquiries to
Direct line to conference office:
+1 312 646 1013
Direct mailing address to conference office:
FIRST Conference Office
219 W. Chicago Avenue, Suite 300
Chicago, Illinois 60654

What do session chairs do?
*Session chairs are provided an information packet with the below information and session information will be given to each volunteer onsite during the Session Chairs Meeting.
Responsibilities include:
Before the session...
- Contacting and introducing yourself to your assigned speakers prior to the their scheduled session (Bios and contact information will be provided).
- Inform your speakers of what you will be doing as session chair:
- Speaker introductions
- Giving time warnings
- Announcing Q&A time
- Presenting the speaker a gift at the end of their session
- Ensure you know how to pronounce names correctly.
- Check with AV staff to ensure speaker slides are ready (some speakers may connect their own laptop), microphones work and that there is fresh water on the podium.
During the session...
- Please be sure to scan the room and ensure everyone has name badges. Participants that do not have a badge or have a badge with a non-white card stock should be politely asked to leave; those that forgot their badges may be directed to the registration staff for a new badge.
- Introduce your speakers to the audience and provide a brief biographical sketch (bios will be provided in your informational packet).
- Remind the audience at the start of each session that:
- Q&A is at the end of the session
- Absolutely no photography, videography or voice recording allowed
- Social media users (bloggers, tweeters), please use common sense and respect
- Please turn off or silence all mobile devices
- Please fill out an evaluation form and turn it in at the end of the session
- Sit near the front row and by an aisle such that the speaker can easily see you.
- Use the following 3 count-down warnings:
- 10 minutes before the end
- 5 minutes
- 1 minute
At the conclusion of each session...
- Go up to the podium and using the microphone, thank the speaker and start the Q&A session
- At the end of the Q&A session (or if there are no questions):
- Present the speaker with their speaker gift (shake hands if you like)
- Thank the speaker for presenting
- Remind attendees that presentation slides/materials are available to download via the website address in the program booklet (only when permission has been granted by the speaker)
- Remind the audience to please turn in their evaluation forms
- Introduce the next session (if there is one), or activity (break, lunch, end of day, etc.)
- Provide any other announcements as may be requested by conference staff
- If you are running an afternoon session (after Noon) and the speaker's Q&A session runs over the allotted time, please encourage the speaker and attendees with questions to continue on to the Geek Lounge.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to send mail to first-2013@first.org.