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219 W. Chicago Avenue, Suite 300
Chicago, Illinois 60654

This is the final agenda as of 7 July 2012.
To view an abstract, please click on titles that have the [+] indication to expand. Access Speaker bios here.
Final Online Program Version Available!
- Deep Technical Dives: Presentations cover in depth, cutting-edge information on threats, tools and practices.
- Technical Foundations: Presentations cover technical information fundamentals and an overview of technical topics.
- Policy & Management: Presentations cover incident response management and development, and issues regarding information sharing and legal boundaries.
- Hilton Malta Breakfast: Attendees staying at the Hilton Malta, breakfast will be served in the Oceana Restaurant.
- Morning Tea/Coffee: Attendees not staying at the Hilton Malta that arrive early, or do not have breakfast included in their hotel room rate are welcome to enjoy morning tea/coffee services with light pastries. Served in the Conference Center - Level 5 Spinola Lobby.
- Daily Breaks: Breaks will be served in the Conference Center - Level 5 Spinola Lobby and Level 6 Grandmaster Foyer.
- Daily Lunch: Lunch will be served in the Conference Center - Level 5 Spinola Suite.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
0900-1630 | Education & Training Committee Meeting Perrellos - Level 5 Conference Center |
Sunday, 17 June 2012
0900-1330 | Education & Training Committee Meeting Perrellos - Level 5 Conference Center |
1400-1630 | Becoming a Better Trainer Perrellos - Level 5 Conference Center |
1400-1800 1830-2100 |
Registration - Full Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Late Registration - Just Name Badges Outside, Poolside Gazebo *Attendees may pick-up their conference bags Monday morning. Name badges are required to attend the evening events. |
1500-1600 | 2012 Session Chairs Meeting Wignacourt - Level 6 Conference Center |
1830-1900 | Newbie Reception w/ FIRST Steering Committee Outside, Hilton Poolside Gazebo FIRST Newbies (non-members) & First Time Attendees (members and non-members) are cordially invited to mix and mingle with each other and the FIRST Steering Committee. Beverages and appetizers will be served. |
1900-2100 | Ice Breaker Reception sponserd by MITA Outside, Hilton Poolside Gazebo All attendees are encouraged to attend this kick-off networking event. |
Monday, 18 June 2012
0800-1600 | Registration & Morning Coffee/Tea Service Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center |
0915-0945 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
0945-1045 | ![]() Trust and Security is one of the key areas of work in the Digital Agenda for Europe, one of the 7 flagship initiatives launched by the Commission in the framework of EU2020, the EU initiative for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is in this framework that the European Commission proposes, develops and implements its IT security policies including the internal ones. The presentation will describe the framework in which the internal IT security initiatives are carried out and the challenges ahead. It will also describe how the policies are implemented internally, will present some of the tools used, and will describe some experiences in dealing with security incidents on the ground. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1045-1115 | Coffee & Networking Break Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1115-1200 | ![]() In this presentation Aart Jochem will give behind the scene insights into handling the DigiNotar incident, from hack to national crisis. What happened, how did this impacted our operations and which lessons can be learned? Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1200-1330 | Lunch Spinola Suite - Level 5 Conference Center |
TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS Grandmaster Suite Level 6 CC |
POLICY & MANAGEMENT Portomaso III Hilton Level 3 |
1335-1420 | ![]() Poison Ivy sells itself as a remote administration tool. It has been used in wide variety of attacks, from fake screen saver trojans for the masses to the highly targeted attacks against RSA (1) and the chemical industry (2). The presentation will start with a brief introduction into Poison Ivy, its capabilities and configurable options. We will then have a closer look at the generated binary and learn how code and configuration data blocks are combined. We develop signatures that can help an incident responder to detect PoisonIvy in memory and to reconstruct its configuration without time-consuming reverse engineering. Next, we will examine network activity, especially the session initialization handshake. A brief cryptanalysis will reveal a weakness that incident responders can leverage to identify PoisonIvy command and control servers and to mount a brute-force attack on the attacker's shared secret. (1) Anatomy of an Attack No special equipment required. |
![]() Where do people in the security community go to share insight and collaborate? How do you become a part of the private, so-called "trusted" communities? What can you do to maximize security community relationships? We try to answer these sorts of questions by surveying the security community, including it's collaborative successes and failures. |
![]() CERT.be is the Belgian National CSIRT and has asked the help of a bureau specialized in branding strategy development and marketing in order to better fulfill it’s wide ranging tasks that include treating and coordinating highly sensitive incidents, day-to-day abuse reports and creating awareness for the general Belgian public. |
1425-1510 | ![]() ![]() Duqu threat made a big noise in media in autumn of 2011. Although its impact was hard to estimate, everyone felt that something major was happening behind that name. |
![]() NTT-CERT and Meiji University collaborate to study "storytelling" in organization. The storytelling influences to realities people have and occurs dynamic responses in the organization. Eventually, we expect that understanding a “storytelling” can correctly help us to build up and keep on a good team under high-pressured situations, where CSIRTs are. As incidents usually occur in new forms and under new situations, it makes responding to them be difficult. Therefore, when an incident occurs, members of the CSIRT assign a meaning to the effect of the incident. At this point, the members analyze the incident in the light of a recent incident through storytelling based on their current experiences and decide upon appropriate countermeasures. In this manner, the organization’s reality about security is constructed through “storytelling”. |
1515-1545 | Coffee & Networking Break Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1500-17:00 | Common Vulnerability Scoring System Special Interest Group (CVSS SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center *Open to all attendees; voting is restricted. Contributers must sign an IPR. |
1550-1620 | ![]() While there has been extensive reporting on TDSS malware, dubbed the ‘Indestructible’ botnet by Kaspersky, most reporting has focused on reverse engineering the various components of the Trojan. This presentation will instead concentrate on the forensic attributes of TDSS activity to assist the analyst in identifying its presence on an image or on the network. Topics covered will include an overview of the malware including analysis of the pagefile.sys, unallocated space, applicable live memory forensics techniques as well as malicious activity from affiliate programs. Emphasis will be placed on the recent TDL-4 variant. |
![]() BGP prefix hijacking is a well-known weak spot in the Internet's global routing system. An attacker who is able to successfully hijack a route prefix could for example re-direct large amounts of traffic to his own systems, where he could perform packet sniffing or manipulation. Also a hijacked prefix could allow a phisher to present authentic-looking URLs to his/her victims through redirecting traffic from the "correct" from the correct web server to his own compromised ones. |
![]() The Domain Name System (DNS) is recognized as one of the most critical services in the Internet infrastructure and plays today an important role on society and also in the daily life of the citizen. DNS is an interconnected and interdependent infrastructure. Any significant DNS disruption or malfunctioning affects sensitively the correct functioning of the entire Internet components, including web applications, service oriented systems, cloud infrastructures and distributed applications more generally. Among the others, on the DNS services rely today several of the so-called Critical Infrastructures, such as Energy Grids, Transportation Systems etc. DNS security requires a trusted body for all parties involved to address security incidents. Hence born the need of DNS CERT. Such an idea was firstly presented by ICANN in 2010, with their “April 2010 DNS-CERT Operational Requirements & Collaboration Analysis”. In this report the need for a DNS-CERT was underlined, as well as were identified 10 requirements a similar structure should satisfy. However, after this initiative, the theme of DNS-CERT seems to have been abandoned by the community, mainly due to the fact that the current CERT model does not easily apply to the DNS ecosystem. In this speech, starting from the early results of the ICANN and DNS-OARC efforts in designing a DNS-CERT, taking into accounts the comments raised by the DNS community on this matter, and considering the peculiar, totally distributed and weakly regulated nature of the DNS, we propose a new distributed and hierarchical CERT model, tailored on the needs of the DNS community and based on coordination and cooperation capabilities, exercises and close working relationship between all DNS actors. |
1625-1655 | ![]() This presentation will provide technical insight into the crimekit and outfit known as Carberp. |
![]() Our team has fought phishing for nearly ten years. Thanks to our clients' and partner's data, and a recent not-for-profit public phishing reporting platform, www.phishing-initiative.com, we believe we have now a nearly complete vision of the phishing landscape in France. We indeed took action against more than 15,000 different attacks that have been conducted in 2011. Our review of phishing attacks at the scale of a country such as France points out how specific local phishing trends can be compared to large scale phishing trends analyses, and highlights the importance of specific (regional, linguistic, etc.) phishing reporting platforms to better assess these trends. |
![]() In 2008 and 2009, the number of exploits targeting Adobe products grew considerably. In addition to working to secure the targeted applications, the Adobe Secure Software Engineering Team (ASSET) investigated how to leverage the broader security community to help protect customers with more effective layers of defense. Adobe proposed sending detailed technical information describing Adobe product vulnerabilities via the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) to protection providers. Two giant software companies, competing head-to-head in some areas, agreeing to cooperate and help secure their mutual customers? It sounded just crazy enough to work. Since the fall of 2010, Microsoft and Adobe have worked together to provide information describing vulnerabilities in Adobe products to MAPP participants. Today, 84 security firms from around the world are participating in MAPP, providing protections for hundreds of millions of customers. This talk will discuss how the Adobe/Microsoft collaboration came to be, how Adobe and Microsoft currently work together to provide vulnerability guidance, and how this effort has helped MAPP partners improve protections for customers globally. |
1700-1730 | ![]() Pinkslipbot is a malware family originally created to steal personal and financial data from infected machines, and to provide complete control of the target machine through a back door. Initial versions of Pinkslipbot appeared around 2007, but only in recent years has the malware started to become more successful, due to improved spread methods and the fact that it started to target corporate networks. It was at this point that Pinkslipbot caught the attention of the media. |
You have all heard the term cybercrime, and you have heard about all things cybercrime – stolen credentials, identity theft, fraud, blackmail, DDOS and more. You may have heard that there are markets for goods connected to computer crime. You may have heard that there’s a lot of money in it (enough to pay off the national debts of most states including the USA, if you total all reports on damages by cybercrime). As usual the problems lie in connecting the dots. What are the mechanisms behind these black markets? What are the goods? Who pays for them and by which means? Surely you cannot just walk into a chat room, drop your credit card number and part with the digital loot, or can you? What if you end up being a trade object yourself? Screenshots are shown of actual high profile advertisements such as post about mysql.com root access for sale.
IT security companies and law enforcement organizations have a vested interest in investigating these mechanisms. The information is vital for everyone implementing IT security as well. You have to know who is up against you and why. This is the basic information every defender needs to possess, and proper knowledge is one of the few advantages you can use for the protection of your assets. Almantas Kakareka will address these questions in his talk Insight Into Russian Black Market. He will give you an insight into the underground and explain which “products” are traded by criminals. If you are in charge of securing the digital heart of your enterprise or implement security, then you should listen to this talk. |
![]() Coaching means support in reaching specific goals and results. In CERT context, coaching of a new or relatively inexperienced team can be performed by a more experienced partner (another team or an individual) and it can extend from the stage of establishing a new team to reaching certain operational capabilities. While there is an increasing number of training programs available for CERT teams and their members, individual coaching seems to be unpopular, most likely due to the fact that it requires relatively high costs in money and resources. However, once the resources can be allocated, the “return on investment” should be unparalleled. The presentation will briefly cover the CLOSER project, its virtues and shortcomings, as well as stories of some of the coached CERTs from the perspective of two years after completion of the project. I will also discuss possible goals that can be achieved in similar projects, their metrics, and incentives for all involved parties. |
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
0700-0900 | FIRST Business Plan, Budgeting and Compilations Reporting Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center FIRST members and non-members are welcome to attend this informational presentation. |
0800-1600 | Registration & Morning Coffee/Tea Service Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center |
0930-0945 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
0945-1045 | ![]() Cyberthreats are becoming ever more frequent and sophisticated. In the European Digital Agenda, the European Commission has proposed several initiatives to tackle these threats in a more effective manner. In particular the European Digital Agenda foresees two actions regarding the setting up of national CERTs and the improvement of the cooperation between national CERTs. The CERT-EU Pre-configuration Team is a key component to delivering these two actions. The presentation will cover the status and perspectives of CERT-EU. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1045-1115 | Coffee & Networking Break Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1115-1200 | ![]() In my talk at FIRST 2011, I detailed remediation efforts associated with takedowns of the Waledac and Rustock botnets. I talked about the partnership with ISPs that enabled this and the tactics being utilized to share data and tools to better target infected machines. I also raised a challenge... for a CERT to work towards the eradication of malware in their country. I had several CERTs approach me to discuss this type of work. In this talk, I will detail the work we have undertaken, the protocol by which we propose such work to be effective, as well as challenges and progress to date. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1200-1330 | Lunch Spinola Suite - Level 5 Conference Center |
TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS Grandmaster Suite Level 6 CC |
POLICY & MANAGEMENT Portomaso III Hilton Level 3 |
1335-1405 | ![]() In 2005, Florian Weimer introduced the world to Passive DNS Replication at FIRST. In 2007, ISC took up the challenge of implementing a production system and scaling and improving upon it. ISC has written and published a technical paper about his advances in design and operation of the open-source sensor and collection infrastructure and has built a scalable database used by many in the operational security community. Eric will present the technology used in the project and discuss lessons learned. |
![]() Abstract will be available shortly |
![]() Becoming a botnet free country is an unachievable goal. Nevertheless this headline was choosen to coordinate different national initiatives by Swiss ISPs, CERTs, the .ch registry and security researches against malware. |
1410-1440 | ![]() DNS, like security, is not an island and it respects no borders. It is a morass. The Domain Naming System is one of the critical core infrastructure protocols upon which the entire Internet depends, yet it is often ignored, particularly on the client side of the house. In recent years, we've seen cache poisoning attacks and resource amplification attacks. Operation Ghost Click involved redirecting DNS clients through DNSChanger malware. Much of this could have been detected through DNS monitoring. On the other hand, Operation Aurora was uncovered through datamining detailed DNS logs and DNS forensics has been mentioned in more than one study. |
![]() From WikiLeaks to Anonymous and LulzSec, 2011 has been marked by an explosion of high-profile cyber attacks. This steady stream of directed attacks is expected to continue, if not increase, in 2012. Due to the extreme motivation behind today’s attacks, technologies that are designed to block them at the perimeter, or use signatures to detect malware, are no longer enough to protect corporate and government networks. Attendees will learn how leveraging NetFlow (and other flow data) can provide the end-to-end visibility and situational awareness required to protect them from the full spectrum of threats facing today’s enterprises. Having a complete picture of everything happening on the network makes it easier for IT administrators to investigate and mitigate anomalous behaviors that could signify APTs. By collecting and analyzing flow data inherent in their network infrastructure, organizations can seamlessly and cost-effectively create an always-on sensor grid for proactively detecting and thwarting advanced attacks that bypass external defenses. |
![]() Microsoft has been driving a sustained fight against botnets for almost a decade and in recent years has adopted a proactive disruption strategy to protect our customers. Examples of this new approach, dubbed Project MARS, can be seen in the operations against prominent botnets like Waledac, Rustock, Kelihos and most recently Zeus. With each operation, the Digital Crimes Unit at Microsoft and our partners have been striving to find new ways to further protect the community. One example of the success of this approach can be found in the botnet cleanup effort the Digital Crimes Unit supported by our Microsoft colleagues in Trustworthy Computing and the Microsoft Malware Protection Center to work with ISPs and CERTs around the world to help effected computer owners regain control of their malware-infected computers. By sharing our botnet takedown data with ISPs and CERTs, Microsoft has been able to provide the information necessary to inform affected computer owners as well as offer free tools to help them clean their systems. This effort has already helped drastically reduce the global infection of the Waledac and Rustock botnets. Building on the success of this program, the Digital Crimes Unit is continuing to explore new ways to make this type of information available to those who can help our customers. The Digital Crimes Unit is currently developing a new system which aims to offer customers and partners a valuable, reliable and secure mechanism for actionable real-time intelligence on threats. |
1445-1515 | ![]() We all want a magic button that fixes our network security problems. Automated tools can improve a weak computer security posture by preventing new infections and disrupting command and control channels. In reality, though, the scope of these tools will always be limited to the most basic of attacks. A strong security posture requires not only automated equipment, but people to program the equipment and to act on its output. Cisco CSIRT has taken a pragmatic approach where automated equipment better serves the purpose of providing intelligence to highly-trained IT staff, rather than attempting to replace the security staff altogether. This talk focuses on the philosophy that Cisco CSIRT uses to protect its own network |
![]() Incident response in a large environment hosting multiple businesses such as mail, retail, online advertising, digital media and news can be a complex and arduous task. During this presentation the audience will be guided through the process that allows an incident response team to successfully deal with issues that cross all of these sometimes disparate business lines. The presenters will discuss tools and processes used, the role that open source intelligence and counter intelligence play in having a successful incident response process. The presenters will also discuss two real incidents (one fraud case/one application security issue) during the presentation that will allow the audience to see the process, procedures and tools discussed in action during the incident response process. |
![]() DNS "firewalls" are a potent protective measure against botnets, spear phishing and APT attacks, preventing compromised computers on your networks from communicating with their C&C's and drop zones. However, the same technology that can be used to protect enterprise and other organizations' networks is also in-play at the nation state level, where various policies and laws are leading to filtering of the Internet based on the DNS. As more nation-states are looking to legislate blocking at ISPs or even deeper, what implications does that have, especially for new attack vectors as people circumvent such measures? Also, how do you as a CERT or network security professional implement a "DNS Firewall" for the networks you protect using a variety of resources out there, and then manage it properly. Great technology is almost always a two-edged sword, and using your DNS resolvers to dictate how your users see the world is one of the ultimate examples of this. This session will examine the pros, cons, and how-to's of the technology. |
1520-1550 | Coffee & Networking Break Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1500-17:00 | Common Vulnerability Scoring System Special Interest Group (CVSS SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center *Open to all attendees; voting is restricted. Contributers must sign an IPR. |
1555-1625 | ![]() The objective of this 45-minute presentation is to show how we decrypted and accessed the contents of the files generated by three different malwares, specially designed to steal sensitive information from a very particular environment belonging to a client. The activities were performed based only on the encrypted files and the malware binaries, since we did not have access to the live systems and the specific hardware employed by them. Besides this restriction, we were able to shorten the amount of time spent with dynamic and static analysis, thanks to the strategy and cryptanalytic techniques that we employed. |
![]() The Diginotar attack calls into question the foundations of secure communications and the role of part of important players in the security industry (the CAs). |
![]() This presentation is composed jointly by CERT-FI and Ericsson PSIRT under the conference theme "Security is not an island". The presentation outlines practical cases where a national CSIRT and a vendor can work effectively together to solve security problems with a potential to have a negative impact on third parties. |
1630-1700 | Further aspects of passive DNS: datamining, visualizing and alternative implementations
![]() Security threats have grown from network annoyances to attacks on your sensitive infrastructure. Evidence indicates that security threats are growing more sophisticated and aimed at embedded deployment. This presentation will share Cisco CSIRT's evolving architecture for addressing sophisticated, embedded threats. |
![]() Most commonly adopted models for cybersecurity incident handling can trace their origins back to a model developed over 20 years ago, in a very different climate than the one incident response and security teams operate in today. That model focuses on a linear approach to identifying, containing and remediating incidents in your own local environment first, and sharing information with others after the fact. |
17:30-19:30 | Metrics Special Interest Group (Metrics SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center |
1705-1735 | CERT-GIB: Efficient mitigation of Phishing, Malware and Botnet activity within a cctld
![]() Every country is a special case of fitting malware and disinfection plan and in my presentation I will go to explain what are the procedures we are applying in QATAR to manage fitting malware on national level in cooperation with ISP and how we can use this system to contact public everywhere at home, corporate, and governmental entities to disinfect their machines from malware , furthermore we will go through a demonstration about how to use this system for major incident, and optimizing our malware disinfection life cycle |
![]() Although initially an Internet phenomenon, perpetrators of many types of crime and their victims are now routinely in different jurisdictions which inhibits investigation follow-up and prosecution. This is sub-optimal if the good guys want to respond to the speed and offensive capacity of the cybercrime gangs the global coordination of crime intelligence is a hard problem. This presentation will identify and discuss a number of current projects trying to improve the flow of eCrime and traditional crime reporting between victims, private-sector investigators and law enforcement organizations in different or multiple jurisdictions. Some of the treaty-organization led efforts identified important issues and suggested potential solutions while other efforts have run table-top or pilot exercises to test out various scenarios. Additional lessons-learned and issues uncovered in these projects, along with future plans, will be discussed to inform the audience about these efforts so they may decide to participate, or at least, not be surprised when asked to participate by their local governments. |
1800-2000 | Vendor Showcase Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center An evening to network with our conference sponsors, exhibitors and your peers (with beer and appetizers of course!) |
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
0830-1600 | Registration & Morning Coffee/Tea Service with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center |
0830-0930 | Law Enforcement/CSIRT Co-operation Special Interest Group (LECC SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center |
0930-0945 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
0945-1045 | ![]() The Third Millennium started by witnessing Cyberspace being added, as a new global domain, to the natural domains of open seas, air and space. Mankind have always progressed by taking advantages of opportunities offered by the open seas, air or by space. Yet the opportunities offered by Cyberspace are unprecedented; both in scope and in speed. Third millennium will benefit those who knows how to utilize the cyberspace better. On the other hand, unprecedented opportunities offered by cyberspace require protection. Piracy in open seas took centuries to cease (well, almost). We need to move much faster in Cyberspace to respond to the cyber threats which are global in nature. Global threats can only be countered by global measures. In the multi-stake holder nature of Cyberspace, we all have shared responsibilities to make the cyberspace a safer global domain. Currently the most important shortcoming in defending against cyber threats is the lack of international cooperation. Through its 28 Member Nations and 40 Partner Nations, NATO has been raising awareness and assisting capacity building against global cyber threats at strategic levels. In this decade, international community needs to do better to make sure first that its own cyberspace is kept “hygiene” and secondly to assist others in defending their cyberspace. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1045-1115 | Coffee & Networking Break with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1115-1200 | ![]() Eric and David will present an evolution of white-hat versus botnet takedown interaction and how the working group model is forming to proactively work with law enforcement to go after criminal operators. They will discuss past failures, current failures, and recent successes. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1200-1330 | Lunch Spinola Suite - Level 5 Conference Center |
1300-15:00 | Internet Infrastructure Vendors Special Interest Group (Vendor SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center |
TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS Grandmaster Suite Level 6 CC |
POLICY & MANAGEMENT Portomaso III Hilton Level 3 |
1335-1420 | CANCELLED
![]() Using some real-life cyber espionage incidents in Norway as a basis, Marie and Eldar from NorCERT will drill down in some of the challenges modern national CERTs have to live with. Including aspects like: -how to put sensors in the basements of private companies (voluntarily), when you are the "secret-service” -how not to be a competitor to private security consultant companies -how to build a good basis of signatures for intelligence, detection and early warnings -malware analysis, and how this becomes an important tool for incident handling and discovery of new attacks -how some CERTs move from traditional incident response and abuse handling to counter-intelligence operations -how difficult it is to handle media, wanting to create awareness, but at the same time not telling Who (is targeted), What (is taken) and Who (is behind). |
![]() CERTs play an important role in helping to mitigate the impacts of cyber attacks and data provided by CERTs may also help industry and government to better understand threat patterns and attack trends, thereby improving the application of preventative measures and reducing the scope for future attacks. In order to mitigate the impact of cyber attacks, responses may require extensive cross-border coordination between CERTs, especially national/governmental CERTs, which are a particular type of CERT playing an important role at a national level in supporting such cross-border coordination. This coordination can include the sharing of certain types of data, in real time, concerning the source or destination of attacks (usually IP addresses) or log files of suspicious types of Internet traffic. Usually CERT cooperation and sharing takes place informally on the basis of trustful relationships. |
1425-1510 | ![]() This training is intended to educate attendees on current threats affecting most organizations. The hands on training has participants build, deloy and operate current crimeware as well as deploy targeted attacks that leverage advanced persistent threat (APT) software in a safe and controlled environment. By seeing and operating the tools used by malicious actors, computer network defenders will have a greater understanding of the threats and brainstorm on how to combat these subtle intrusions. The training can be attended by those without a great deal of experience in incident handling as well as by those with more experience - the content in addition to the mix of attendees will provide a great learning opportunity for all those involved. |
![]() For years, post-intrusion forensics has been a poorly codified field. While significant research has gone into exploitation and network intrusion, it’s traditionally been difficult to hone in on the various motivations of attackers. Subsequently, accurate prediction of post-intrusion activities has been problematic. The hacker as “mythical unicorn” has been difficult to track. The hacker as state-sponsored agent of espionage and cyberwar, however, is an entirely different beast. |
![]() World markets gyrate seemingly almost daily with 100 point swings barely worth a mention. Yet, as these high level indicators try to hint at the overall direction of the economy, a number of other data points can show a more detailed picture of where we're headed. From an IT Security perspective, much can be gleaned from this including the impact on vendors, budgets and of course, attackers. Peter Kuper's presentation distills the macro-economic data right down to how it impacts the IT security professional role as well as offer some perspectives on ways to engage successfully in the current environment. |
1500-17:00 | Common Vulnerability Scoring System Special Interest Group (CVSS SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center *Open to all attendees; voting is restricted. Contributers must sign an IPR. |
1515-1545 | Coffee & Networking Break with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1550-1730 | Lightning Talks Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center Sign-up sheets will be available at the registration desk. 5-minute rotations. No sales presentations. |
1815-1830 1900-2400 |
Buses to Conference Banquet in Mdina Additional attendee directions onsite. Conference Reception & Banquet Dinner in Mdina Location & event details onsite. |
Thursday, 21 June 2012
0830-1530 | Registration & Morning Coffee/Tea Service with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center |
0930-0945 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
0945-1045 | ![]() With over 800 million monthly active users communicating with friends and family, sharing and expressing themselves through online content, Facebook faces a significant set of security threats. In this talk, we'll focus on several threats against our infrastructure and discuss the defensive measures that we've developed to combat them. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1045-1115 | Coffee & Networking Break with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1115-1200 | ![]() ![]() The talk is going to cover a recently published ENISA report on the "Proactive Detection of Network Security Incidents". Proactive detection of incidents is the process of discovery of malicious activity in a CERT's constituency through internal monitoring tools or external services that publish information about detected incidents, before the affected constituents become aware of the problem. It can be viewed as a form of early warning service from the constituents' perspective. Effective proactive detection of network security incidents is one of the cornerstones of an efficient CERT service portfolio capability. It can greatly enhance a CERT's operations, improve its situational awareness and enable it to handle incidents more efficiently, thus strengthening the CERT's incident handling capability, which is one of the core services of national / governmental CERTs. The study was largely community driven - it was based on a survey of 45 different CERTs and on input from an security expert group specifically formed for the study, supplemented by the research and knowledge of members of the CERT Polska team and ENISA. Results of the survey will be covered in the presentation. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1200-1330 | Lunch Spinola Suite - Level 5 Conference Center |
TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS Portomaso III Hilton Level 3 |
POLICY & MANAGEMENT Grandmaster Suite Level 6 CC |
1335-1420 | ![]() Malicious web pages that use either drive-by downloads or social-engineering to exploit systems of unsuspecting users are presently one of the most serious threats in computer security. This presentation will introduce an open-source framework for detection of client-side attacks, developed by NASK and NCSC (formerly GOVCERT.NL) - Honey Spider Network 2.0. Version 1.0 was a unique combination of high-interaction client honeypot (Capture-HPC NG - see At the core of the solution is a high-performance engine that controls the flow of tasks that are being processed and distributes the workload using AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). HSN 2.0 leverages the functionality of multitude of services (plugins) for data acquisition and analysis. It is possible to create new ones in a straightforward way Building such an open and universal architecture is necessary if the security community is to keep up to date with the dynamically shifting threat environment. In our experience, this goal is only achievable through a collaboration of many experts, each contributing knowledge - and code - about certain types of exploits and threats. Apart from the overview of the system's architecture, preliminary results of the system's performance in real-world scenarios will be discussed. A demonstration of the system detecting various threats through multiple plugins will be carried out. |
![]() With preliminary funding secured in early 2011, the Icelandic Post and Telecommunication Administration (PTA) was tasked with establishing a CERT team in Iceland. In this presentation we will reflect on the major challenges faced by the PTA team in the months leading up to the official launch for the Icelandic national CERT team (CERT-IS). The primary goal of the PTA, is to have the team provide information and if needed, assistance to its initial constituency members (the Icelandic telecommunication companies) when dealing with computer security incidents. |
![]() Ths panel will discuss incident reporting, giving first-hand experience on the tools, issues encountered and lessons learned (applied to the local scene) in monitoring security activity on the Government ICT infrastructure with an emphasis on information gathering to ensure it is tangible evidence in the courts of justice. |
1425-1510 | ![]() Love it or hate it, Apple's iOS mobile platform has arrived in the enterprise, now exceeding even RIM's (Blackberry) numbers. Often, the task of overseeing these systems's security falls on the IT Security team. So, what will you do? |
![]() In this presentation, I show the concept of "scenario based self training material for incident response". |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Panel: Global and Regional CERT Collaboration to Reduce Cyber Conflict Risk Panel [+] This panel will explore the role of CERTs in growing global and regional efforts focusing on reducing the outbreak and risks associated with cyber conflict. The focus will be on how CERTs can play a role in agreements, both formal and informal, that improve crisis communication and build confidence between nations and other actors in order to reduce the degree of escalation of cyber conflicts and to improve understanding of likely behavior of actors involved. The panel will build on both recently published academic and policy writings on this topic as well as the engagement of the panelists in on-going negotiations and operations in this area to include the US-China and US-Russian cyber bilateral discussions, the China-Japan-Korea Joint MOU on Collaboration on Cyber Security Incident Response, the APCERT efforts on cyber clean up, the Nordic CERT framework for collaboration and the OIC cybersecurity collaboration efforts. |
1500-17:00 | Common Vulnerability Scoring System Special Interest Group (CVSS SIG) Vilhena - Level 6 Conference Center *Open to all attendees; voting is restricted. Contributers must sign an IPR. |
1515-1615 | Networking Break with Exhibits (for non-members) Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1530-1730 | Annual General Meeting (AGM) [+] - AGM page is viewable only by members. If you are unable to access the page and feel that it is an error, please contact the Secretariat at first-sec@first.org. Members Only. Must have a valid government issued photo ID for entry. No exceptions. Coffee break will be served in room. |
Friday, 22 June 2012
0830-1200 | Registration & Morning Coffee/Tea Service with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center |
0930-0945 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
0945-1045 | ![]() Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1045-1115 | Coffee & Networking Break with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1115-1200 | ![]() In Japan, Business Continuity Planning (BCP) was said to be ready for
any natural disaster. In the event where an issue would occur in the
corporate headquarters; satellite offices, backup systems for critical
information and disaster recovery plans were all considered ready to go.
However after the earthquake on 3/11, we realized that in fact BCP
processes were not enough to deal with "REAL" disasters because of not
only power outages but also unexpected problems including human factors. Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center
1200-1330 | Lunch Spinola Suite - Level 5 Conference Center |
TECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS Grandmaster Suite Level 6 CC |
POLICY & MANAGEMENT Portomaso III Hilton Level 3 |
1335-1420 | ![]() In recent years, Finland has topped the list of least infected countries in the world according to reports such as the Microsoft Security Intelligence Reports (SIR). The goal of this presentation is to shortly introduce the approach we believe contributed to these results. In this approach the security community is organizing itself to collaborate and protect citizens and the critical infrastructure from organized crime. This talk focuses on the experiences of CERT-FI on using AbuseHelper, an open source framework for handling incident data, within the Autoreporter and HAVARO projects. Autoreporter is a system for automatically reporting to internet providers on masses of incidents reported by third parties. Information is gathered, elaborated, sanitized, and reported to gathered contacts. The HAVARO project is a co-operation between CERT-FI and the Finnish National Emergency Supply Agency. HAVARO is a versatile network monitoring and early warning system for Finnish critical information infrastrucure providers. The intelligence CERT-FI gathers on network abuse through its international contact network is put into operational use in the HAVARO system. HAVARO collects observations of possibly malicious activities based on IDS rules, flow data and traffic to known bad networks and systems. Full packet traces of suspected incidents are retained for investigation. Reports and alerts are sent to the system owners after investigation. We explain how the underlying AbuseHelper framework enables these systems to co-operate and allows CERT-FI to gain broad visiblity into the security of Finnish networks. The underlying AbuseHelper framework enables the systems to co-operate. Finally, we present outlines on how the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is using AbuseHelper to enable information sharing between the cert and law enforcement communities in its Collabro project. |
![]() Cyber security exercises (cyber drills) are pretty common these days. It has been observed certs/csirts, both at the national and regional levels organizing them regularly. In this respect, The Malaysia CERT has been coordinating the national cyber security exercises, known as X-Maya, since 2007. The exercises are hands-on in nature and carried out as part of the critical information protection program. While a lot can be said about the benefits of this activity, some are questioning about its effectiveness when it comes to dealing with real incidents. This presentation will a technical overview of designing and executing X-Maya 4 in 2011. Most importantly, some reflections on the effectiveness of the exercise in the light of Anonymous #opsMalaysia in June 2011 will also be shared withe audience. |
![]() Initially developed during the WOMBAT Project (EU-FP7), TRIAGE is a software tool that provides advanced analytical capabilities for automating cyber intelligence tasks on massive security data sets. One of the rationales for developing such tool is to enable rapid triage analysis of security events with respect to any number of features, and therefore help analysts to quickly attribute various waves of Internet attacks to the same phenomenon, e.g., an attack campaign likely run by the same individuals. The framework will soon be enriched with new features such as interactive visualizations developed in VIS-SENSE, a European research project that aims at developing visual analytics technologies suited for network security and attack attribution. Using real-world examples from the analysis of a large set of targeted attacks identified by Symantec in 2011, we will illustrate how TRIAGE analytics can shed some light on large-scale cybercrime campaigns and the modus operandi of their presumed authors. |
1425-1510 | ![]() The REN-ISAC is a federation of diverse research and education institutions concerned with operational computer and network security. What slowly started out with some people, some hacked up mailing lists, a wiki and some magic perl glue to share intelligence, quickly snowballed into a vast sea of data that no one could keep track of or use in their day to day operations. |
Launched in 1999, FS-ISAC was established by the financial services sector in response to 1998's Presidential Directive 63. That directive - later updated by 2003's Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 - mandated that the public and private sectors share information about physical and cyber security threats and vulnerabilities to help protect the U.S. critical infrastructure.
Constantly gathering reliable and timely information from financial services providers, commercial security firms, federal, state and local government agencies, law enforcement and other trusted resources, the FS-ISAC is now uniquely positioned to quickly disseminate physical and cyber threat alerts and other critical information to your organization. This information includes analysis and recommended solutions from leading industry experts. Rapid and Trusted Protection for Our Companies, Our Industry and Our Country The recent successful completion of our Critical Infrastructure Notification System (CINS) allows the FS-ISAC to speed security alerts to multiple recipients near-simultaneously while providing for user authentication and delivery confirmation. The FS-ISAC also provides an anonymous information sharing capability across the entire financial services industry. Upon receiving a submission, industry experts verify and analyze the threat and identify any recommended solutions before alerting FS-ISAC members. This assures that member firms receive the latest tried-and-true procedures and best practices for guarding against known and emerging security threats. Joining the FS-ISAC is one of the best ways financial services firms can do their part to protect our industry and its vital role in the U.S. critical infrastructure. To that end, FS-ISAC membership is recommended by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the United States Secret Service, and the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council. In fact, both Treasury and DHS rely on the FS-ISAC to disseminate critical information to the financial services sector in times of crisis. |
![]() Handling huge amount of data is difficult. Organizations have been deploying Firewall, SIEMS, log management systems and still, attacks occur and find their way into their networks. Events that are being handled are stored in databases, dealt with a dashboard, etc. All these cutting straight access to data for the analyst. Using visualization, when done properly, can not only make you understand the whole picture, but also make you find clues faster than any sort of pattern matching against known attacks. This talk will give examples on how successful visualization has been used by several banks and governmental institutions to quickly find targeted attacks. |
1515-1545 | Coffee & Networking Break with Exhibits Spinola Lobby - Level 5 Conference Center Grandmaster Foyer - Level 6 Conference Center |
1550-1630 | ![]() National and other active CSIRTs are facing huge amounts of incoming data from automated sources (e.g.: Shadowserver, Team Cymru Services, Clean MX, own honeypot and sensor data, etc.) as well as manual reporting. Processing all this valuable information in a timely manner poses a serious challenge (day after day) and can lead to frustration because valuable data, resources and time are being wasted, to cross-reporting complications and multiple reports for the same incident amplifying the whole problem. CSIRTs are trying to combat organized crime but sometimes they feel like they are “unorganized superheroes”. |
In order to automate incident reports after evaluating existing services, INTECO-CERT decided to develop an internal service for retrieving information and abuse contacts of IP addresses involved in cyber incidents. Service backend uses ARIN Whois-RWS and RIPE-NCC database REST API to retrieve abuse contacts in an efficient manner. These external services offers information for different RIRs, ARIN Whois-RWS provides information from ARIN IP addresses and delegated netblocks, and RIPE-NCC database REST API feeds the same information for RIPE, AfriNIC and APNIC netblocks. As LACNIC doesn´t have any similar service, INTECO-CERT signed an agreement with the purpose of obtain bulk data from this RIR to optimize as much as possible the extraction of technical information from LACNIC netblocks.
This service also has national CERTs contacts collected from FIRST directory members and CERT-CC National CSIRTs database. So for any query it returns the abuse contact published in RIR databases and a national CSIRT contact. Besides of abuse and national CSIRT contact information, this service offers other technical details like the provided by “IP to ASN Mapping” service offered by Team Cymru INTECO-CERT is interested in sharing this service with the FIRST community so they can make use of it by signing an agreement. So that other security teams can benefit from the advantages of this service, and give feedback to us for future improvement and desired features. |
![]() The Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) provides cyber incident response, analysis, and information sharing to address the cyber security threats and vulnerabilities unique to industrial control systems (ICS). Two key functions of ICS-CERT are incident response, and ICS product vulnerability coordination. |
1635-1700 | Closing Remarks
Grandmaster Suite - Level 6 Conference Center