27th Annual FIRST Conference

Berlin Quick Facts

Time Zone

Berlin is located within the Central European time zone (CET).


Electrical current in Germany is 220v AC and uses the standard European round, two pin sockets.


German is the primary language in Germany. Most Germans learn English as their foreign language in school.


The legal tender in Germany is the Euro. For the latest exchange rates, please visit www.xe.com


Automatic Teller Machines (ATMS) can be found throughout the city; those that charge a fee for transactions clearly indicate during the process. Currency exchanges can be found at the airports and major train stations.

Area Code

The country code for Germany is 49 and the area code for Berlin is 30.


In summer the temperature can reach over 85° F (30° C). However, temperatures largely range between a pleasant 59° F (15° C) and 77° F (25° C) from May to September.


Tips and value added tax are officially included in all prices. But if the service provided was satisfactory, an extra tip is recommended.

Taxis: 10%
Restaurants: 10 – 15%
Porters: € 2 - 3 per item
Room maids: € 2 - 3 per day
Hairdressers: 10%


Police: 110
Fire department/ ambulance: 112 (worldwide)

Medical help

Medical emergencies: +49 30 - 31 00 31
Call a Doc: +49 1804 - 22 55 23 62
Poison hotline: +49 30 - 19 240


Value added tax (VAT) is a type of sales tax. In Germany the normal VAT rate of 19% is added to the net price. On certain products and services, such as books, staple foods (except soft drinks and spirits), newspapers, flowers and public transport tickets the reduced VAT rate of 7% is applied.

Travelers who live outside the European Union can obtain a refund on VAT for goods bought in Germany. Be sure to save your receipts from your purchases. Before you check in your luggage at the airport on your way home, you can go the tax free shopping reclaim office and get your receipts stamped and obtain a cash refund.

Find information about tax free shopping in Berlin here: http://www.globalblue.com/destinations/germany/tax-free-shopping-in-germany/