Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions pertaining the annual conference. Please feel free to send any additional questions or concerns to

When is the 2025 FIRST conference?

The 37th Annual FIRST Conference will take place June 22-27, 2025, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Where will the 2025 FIRST conference be hosted?

All conference activities, unless otherwise indicated in the program agenda, will take place at Bella Center Copenhagen.

Does FIRST have a hotel room block available for conference participants?

Yes, FIRST has reserved a block of rooms at the AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen for conference participants. Please see the Venue & Accommodations page for a booking link.

Will there be translation services available?

Translations services will not be provided. The official language of the conference is English.

Is there a dress code?

FIRST does not enforce a specific dress code, but asks all conference participants to keep their attire respectful and in line with the FIRST Code of Conduct.

Will there be a mobile app?

Yes, FIRST will publish a mobile app that will contain all conference materials including the program agenda.

Will FIRST stream sessions and post TLP:CLEAR recordings to their YouTube channel? And when?

No, the conference sessions will not be live streamed during the event. However, FIRST will publish all TLP:CLEAR recordings to their YouTube channel roughly two months post-conference. FIRST - YouTube

Will there be printed agendas?

No, FIRST will not provide printed agendas. The conference agenda will be available via the mobile app and a printable PDF will be made available via the event website for those interested in printing a copy of their own.

How do I apply for continuing education credits (CPEs or CEs)?

Once the conference agenda has been published, FIRST Events will publish a CPE page with basic instructions and counts. Conference participants are responsible for submitting their credit hours directly to their certifying organizations. FIRST is no longer submitting CPEs on behalf of participants.

Do I need to pre-register for sessions?

No, you do not need to pre-register for conference sessions that take place Monday through Friday.

Do I need to pre-register for Sunday pre-conference activities?

Yes and no. FIRST Pre-conference Training opportunities will be require a separate registration and ticket fee. Training seats are limited with FIRST members given an opportunity to register before non-members. Other Sunday activities such as the Newbie Session and other networking meetings do not require an additional registration or fees.

What is "TLP"?

If you are unfamiliar with the Traffic Light Protocol ("TLP"), please visit for details. In the use case for the conference, TLP levels specifically indicate whether press, social media, and photography/videography may occur. You do not need to be "invited" to attend a TLP:RED session as a confirmed, registered delegate. Please see the Registration Terms & Conditions: Photography or Recording Usage by Attendees.

Frequently Asked Questions Danish VAT

Why am I paying a VAT on the Meeting Registration Fee?

You are paying a Value Added Tax (VAT) on the registration fee because it is required by the laws and regulations of the EU and its Member States. They establish that VAT must be paid on the fees in the country where the meeting is held.

Can the VAT be recovered?

Possibly. Only applicants registered for business purposes in an EU or non-EU country can use the scheme to reclaim VAT paid in Denmark. To recover the VAT, you must provide the details of your company - name, address, VAT number or Tax ID - for all expense invoices and submit all original documentation to your company for its processing.

Pay attention that 25% of the full VAT on restaurant visits is refundable and 100% of the VAT on overnight stays at hotels is refundable.

What process should companies follow to recover the VAT?

a. EU Companies
The EU companies must contact the Tax Administration of their own country for instructions regarding the conditions and process to follow for reclaiming the Danish VAT. There are also minimum VAT amounts that must be met.

For the refund applications for one to three quarters by an EU company the minimum amount is DKK3000. If the refund application relates to a refund period of a calendar year or the remainder of a calendar year, the amount of VAT may not be less than DKK400.

Please note that these amounts refer to ALL the VAT from the expenses incurred FROM ALL ITS EMPLOYEES in Denmark for this meeting and any other business-related VAT incurred in Denmark.

b. Non-European Companies
The Non EU companies must file VAT refund claim using the form no. 31.004 within 9 months after the close of the calendar year to which the refund period relates, i.e. by 30 September.

The VAT refund application must be submitted at:

Nykøbingvej 76
Bygning 45
4990 Sakskøbing

If the period to which the application relates is three months or more, but less than one tax year, the total amount of tax refund for which application is made must not be less than DKK3000. In case if the period is one tax year, or remainder of a tax year, the amount of tax refund for which application is made must not be less than DKK400.

The applicant must attach to the application a certificate which proves that he run a commercial business in the country in question. The certificate must be issued by the competent authority in the country of domicile.