Identity & Logo Usage

Also available as PDF (1,5mb)

FIRST is a registered trademark and its logo is subject to copyright. It should not be reproduced without express permission and cannot be used to endorse or promote products or services.

However, with our permission, which you must request at FIRST Membership & Secretariat Services, you are welcome to use our logo for a variety of uses, such as a FIRST event or include it in a brochure or documentation for your Technical Colloquium or workshop.

FIRST.Org Complete Signature

Complete Signature

The full signature should be used by default and must be used for an audience that doesn't know FIRST yet. It is preferred for an improved presentation. The mission must be big enough to guarantee its readability.

Therefore, these minimum dimensions should be respected:

  • Digital media: 214px X 87px
  • Print: 40mm x 16mm

Download the complete signature

FIRST.Org Simplified Signature

Simplified Signature

The simplified signature should be used when the logo is reduced below the complete signature minimum dimensions, or when the signature appears several times on the same medium (for example when it repeats in a document header or footer). The mission should not be used if its reading might be compromised. At the same time, do not attempt to manually remove the mission from the Complete Signature, use the Simplified Signature instead, as it is a different image.

Download the simplified signature

FIRST.Org Icon


The lcon should only to be used on website or application icons or as an avatar image and it's required as a square or circle. It should not be used on printed mediums.

Download the icon

FIRST Composite Signature

FIRST initiatives, standards and SIGs can use the proper composite signature to show FIRST recognition, endorsement and support. This allows independent logos and visual identities still be connected to FIRST. Only acknowledged Initiatives, Standards, SIGs and Training published at FIRST website are eligible to use the composite signature.

FIRST Composite Signature

FIRST Composite Signature Versions

Download the FIRST Composite Signature horizontal, vertical and negative versions for:

FIRST Membership Signature

FIRST Members, Liaisons and Fellows can use this logo on their website to show their membership affiiliation. If used on printed materials - logo must only designate membership not an endorsement of products or services. Open an issue here FIRST Membership & Secretariat Services for any questions.

FIRST Membership Signature

FIRST Membership Signature

Download the FIRST Membership Signature for:

Other Signatures

CVSS v4.0

The CVSS logo is available on several formats and may be used when referring to the CVSS Standard. Click here to download.

CVSS v4.0 logo