Team Information
Team nameAptiv PSIRT
Official team nameAptiv PSOC
Member sinceAugust 17, 2023
Host organizationAptiv
Country of teamUnited States of America (the)  US
Date of establishment2018-05-18
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number3138580442
Emergency telephone number3138580442
E-mail address
Postal address5725 Innovation Drive
Business Hours
Description of business hoursM-F 7am-5pm
How to contact outside business hoursPSIRT@aptiv.com
Type of ConstituencyIndustrial sector
Source of ConstituencyExternal to host
Description of ConstituencyOur consituency is broad, but consists of anyone, including the general public, who is operating a vehicle with Aptiv components. Our usual constitutency is our customers, who are generally automotive OEMs.
Internet Domain AddressWe do not the own the domain we protect, instead we collaberate with owners of the domains to remedy vulnerabilities and incidents. Vehicles equipped with Aptiv technologies are used all over the world, and are both connected, and not connected to networks at given times. This is a unique challenge of automotive embedded security.
Country of ConstituencyAfghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas (the), Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory (the), Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands (the), Central African Republic (the), Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the), Colombia, Comoros (the), Congo (the Democratic Republic of the), Congo (the), Cook Islands (the), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Cyprus, Czechia, Côte d'Ivoire, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic (the), EU, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas], Faroe Islands (the), Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories (the), Gabon, Gambia (the), Georgia, Germany, Åland Islands  AF  AL  DZ  AS  AD  AO  AI  AQ  AG  AR  AM  AW  AU  AT  AZ  BS  BH  BD  BB  BY  BE  BZ  BJ  BM  BT  BO  BQ  BA  BW  BV  BR  IO  BN  BG  BF  BI  CV  KH  CM  CA  KY  CF  TD  CL  CN  CX  CC  CO  KM  CD  CG  CK  CR  HR  CU  CW  CY  CZ  CI  DK  DJ  DM  DO  EU  EC  EG  SV  GQ  ER  EE  SZ  ET  FK  FO  FJ  FI  FR  GF  PF  TF  GA  GM  GE  DE  AX
Team PGP public key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: User-ID: Aptiv PSIRT Comment: Valid from: 12/7/2022 8:17 PM Comment: Valid until: 12/7/2024 12:00 PM Comment: Type: 2,048-bit RSA (secret key available) Comment: Usage: Signing, Encryption, Certifying User-IDs Comment: Fingerprint: F821FBE6DE1C401784CF7E496B9D57E66A015853 mQENBGOROzkBCADD6buZgcbnjTlo0QuFVXmcFQuadbtniT63+LjDDf54JK3VXWCy 1qWqSFzT3PNwinGXGoADw5gArzgcigezsGB4Dulp4XLr0k8e2MNScAfZZZuqKIt9 DDuvwlgexwU+RR+S4lhqe9zKwc1OCza6EB91GK9gvbm6IlncK1gEFR3P0wgLe9fX bYrnTw2U450jR1SFJlzjlSLsaivlsKaGutX0Cva/2/+Y72+I+Gfq4k1riu7m7Dl3 8bsFqZkvwcmi2kwC46LZiwBaJg8VjAWsHP/cPkTjpsBwYUqHRJEEIgiYqvUQu/IE 9E1VqtGn+V/vZona0XbDq2txVl2vvbTSNqffABEBAAG0HUFwdGl2IFBTSVJUIDxQ U0lSVEBBcHRpdi5jb20+iQFXBBMBCABBFiEE+CH75t4cQBeEz35Ja51X5moBWFMF AmOROzkCGwMFCQPDQ9cFCwkIBwICIgIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgcCF4AACgkQa51X 5moBWFONfQf9F7a7cqkyPR5mI3qZswEpQNYiRhRUTeCKvoCIoyHwRPJgpFLyCq4r DWOls4S2Y/GMY9v6OJvXtCwZQKtZSjAB4aPpVx43kyqfNcthgNSZHhFZjdpZow3w ZxNUpwOtxd4Va4sdf9QK2nvROrZUFBq93/ogUYMGE2ztNQ7RhQA+g+s4Y0S4rNm8 lMD0fpbL4X/sd8954k5McDF0P7m3bDu2ALDrw3vC2rJ38+fP9VI4Zi3fHjDsBQdn zaZAM7R7apTRdqZ3i0G44qfxazsXe714NVgsYEe8BqwTx7PMza9lVi4xOkKdGeXQ 2oXw1FJXXaM+rZ6+rZB5lvWrLNg/uLdF4LkBDQRjkTs5AQgAtzcCwPtM44t0j7/X xdSEkNpI2lFKpLXqqmX+NH4ViOLRqoI8nsIMi2N52PqBvhytBDzkCAMP2xW548gK Ta8E0TPWndimM/skP/ySRUEgliGMK2OZtEwXABljN4Y8SqETpLmBExSsV36NH9t2 iR7UltOXqKp7M8Q5EZznKh6IhR979Lpa/ICuvQkauvAUiEQ5sO4znX87LcuVqzTs K5GkvT6webmZYpu+dnmaU/1qT3xT9mkQ7eYHl0bHQM/G6DIPpKzefYTU+2njWK8U F0GR0FrtORFsabec7ll3SWU+4g6voqRF6lVpIwgj9ewGn4kYQKrOECnjMfSVz18t AHdxNwARAQABiQE8BBgBCAAmFiEE+CH75t4cQBeEz35Ja51X5moBWFMFAmOROzkC GwwFCQPDQ9cACgkQa51X5moBWFMQLgf/cRFKDpO75B7ZV3rK0j1uzWzhGIKSLvKP sgLITjNsJoOKfd0FCdWt3pzV0AXOldsIcVEUpNYFV3KrEKL7DIMrjOmCdb1uOmwe SV7W6MAUKX4hexWxHFuVl0peF4OHEWAlPubpJdVoDtRbL2N8Y6i+BNw25u74DC1o ktXhSmIJZOo4/uteK7MGy/+7Y+tzfCzMEl75mVv0mrq/wHk3d0jZZ2ygbnRJBr4M P5ffIIYnYtBOtkj6xBseONxb2NQvNrkTS+oAd5ju6rsPSgj1WWxzat88teLVX0VN Jwuw+XAWcUxyed8bmD3KP5bfN5mfKmk+Eq/l+7FW2OM6xqkpnk9sow== =QRRx -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.