Team Information
Team nameCERT-INN
Official team nameCybersecurity Emergency Response Team of Innovery Group
Member sinceJune 9, 2024
Host organizationInnovery SpA
Country of teamItaly  IT
Other countries of teamSpain  ES
Date of establishment2023-02-20
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+39 06 62278974
Emergency telephone number+39 06 62278974
E-mail address
Postal addressInnovery SpA, Via Giunio Antonio Resti, 71 - 00143 Rome (RM) IT
Business Hours
Description of business hoursSOC H 24x7 CERT 9:00 - 18:00 and on duty call out of business hours
How to contact outside business hoursAt the same contacts, the SOC will engage the CERT team based on their shift
Type of ConstituencyOther commercial
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of Constituency1) External type - commercial sector: All the Customers who subscribe our services as part of Managed Detection and Response services provided by Innovery (SOC based, with/out NOC services) 2) Internal type - internal security sector: The Innovery Group community, composed by the all the companies of the Group
Internet Domain Addressinnovery.net innovery.info innovery.net obiectivo.it proxy.it vgservicetech.com campusinnovery.com campusinnovery.it innovery.it innovery.es biosignin.es innovery.mx
Country of ConstituencyItaly, Spain  IT  ES
Team PGP public key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: ID utente: CERT INNOVERY Comment: Valido da: 17/10/2022 16:32 Comment: Valido fino a: 06/03/2029 23:59 Comment: Tipo: EdDSA a 255 bit (chiave segreta disponibile) Comment: Uso: Firma, Cifratura, Certificazione degli ID utente Comment: Impronta digitale: EF6EEED7F00BD4094F349E4B38141B879E57E3FD mDMEY01ncxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdApzEeuZYelhrtelHcTF7M+W0FF1AHMIqF5Lay M7d9VwC0IUNFUlQgSU5OT1ZFUlkgPGNlcnRAaW5ub3ZlcnkubmV0PoiZBBMWCgBB AhsDBQsJCAcCAiICBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4HAheAFiEE727u1/AL1AlPNJ5LOBQb h55X4/0FAmQGY1EFCQwC4PsACgkQOBQbh55X4/292AD+JiDVfDGWv2YJzYxFW4l4 VLBptXT9rSA8mUhMHpK1KakBALtnSIxouaag7WK3CUB7FUkxahPpJlDJ7IRMFYwR nhQAuDgEY01ncxIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQPnokx8vFjflOXmj7hPGN39YV0SrZHi9 uexBr4pzwuFpAwEIB4h+BBgWCgAmAhsMFiEE727u1/AL1AlPNJ5LOBQbh55X4/0F AmQGY1EFCQwC4PsACgkQOBQbh55X4/1C0QEAyeYsSkgQi6jZh6GdFpGijlJc5sGA qwGontGZuSwemdcA/2W7v5UF5OBV9yUAzIaJqYCn+RmInSM4KROn2/voorMH =QlvH -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.