Team Information
Team nameCERT-IS
Official team nameComputer Incident Response Team Iceland
Member sinceFebruary 1, 2019
Host organizationPost and telecom administration in Iceland
Country of teamIceland  IS
Date of establishment2013-06-01
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+354-510-1540
Emergency telephone number+354-510-1540
E-mail address
Facsimile number+354-510-1509
Postal addressPost and telecom administration c/o CERT-IS Sudurlandsbraut 4 108 Reykjavik Iceland
Business Hours
Description of business hoursRegular business hours 9:00-16:00 (GMT) weekdays, except public holidays
How to contact outside business hoursEmail to cert@cert.is
Type of ConstituencyGovernment, Private and Public sectors
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyCERT-IS is the national CERT of Iceland, mandated by law to act as the national point-of-contact for cyber security incidents in the country. CERT-IS serves its constituency, registered telecommunications operators and CII operators that have contracted for the team's services. The current constituency includes registered Icelandic telecom operators and government ministries.
Internet Domain AddressDefined by the Electronic communications act 81/2003 / 62/2012 as the essential networks of the constituency, i.e. telecom operators and those CII operators that have contracted for the team's services. This includes the networks registered to Icelandic telecom operators and the government ministries.
Country of ConstituencyIceland  IS

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

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