Team Information
Team nameCERT-MX
Official team nameCentro Nacional de Respuesta a Incidentes Cibernéticos de Mexico
Member sinceNovember 4, 1996
Host organizationGuardia Nacional
Country of teamMexico  MX
Date of establishment2010-06-01
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+52-5511036000x29138
E-mail address
Postal addressCERT-MX Edificio de la Dirección General Científica Av. Constituyentes 947, Belen de las Flores, Álvaro Obregón, 01110, Ciudad de México
Business Hours
Description of business hours24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Type of ConstituencyGovernment, Private and Public sectors
Description of Constituencymexican national critical infrastructure, federal government and citizens
Internet Domain Address.mx, .gob.mx
Country of ConstituencyMexico  MX
Team PGP public key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: ID de usuario: CERT-MX Comment: Creado: 13/03/2023 06:44 p. m. Comment: Expira: 13/03/2025 12:00 p. m. Comment: Tipo: 256-bit EdDSA Comment: Uso: Firmado, Cifrado, ID de la certificación Comment: Huella digital: 65B6722A63A5FEE5651808153F2360F57E6DE1EB mDMEZA/DchYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAEGp61u2IF4Z2/b48TKv49iRR0eYLKOF3dS4y 2a5hTH+0G0NFUlQtTVggPGNlcnQtbXhAZ24uZ29iLm14PoiZBBMWCgBBFiEEZbZy KmOl/uVlGAgVPyNg9X5t4esFAmQPw3ICGwMFCQPDWa4FCwkIBwICIgIGFQoJCAsC BBYCAwECHgcCF4AACgkQPyNg9X5t4esQ9wEArXJrusOGM4CDIbhrpEXoS/ntePJj k8D1oMzFn8R1nPAA/RR3IldiX44QBogq22kmhUNBmrxKyInFRHW2PJ6hf6UHuDgE ZA/DchIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQAG5A+ZHC4RwQRHjjDJBufcyVxSA0XIheOP1Ko07 P05UAwEIB4h+BBgWCgAmFiEEZbZyKmOl/uVlGAgVPyNg9X5t4esFAmQPw3ICGwwF CQPDWa4ACgkQPyNg9X5t4etgOAD6A5uwrKF9qaxZgbRg11/SF4Oc/8aaoc84mu1n OKROrGUBAOrBupV+ZujppHvxBB7FVZWgRHfY6OPmKjJ7oVvPNMgI =EJDS -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.