Team Information |
Team name | CNCERT/CC |
Official team name | National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team / Coordination Center of China |
Member since | August 7, 2002 |
Country of team | China CN |
Website | |
Team Contact Information |
Regular telephone number | +86-10-8299-0999 |
E-mail address | |
Facsimile number | +86-10-8299-0375 |
Postal address | Box 06, No. A3 Yumin Road,
Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100029 |
Business Hours |
Timezone | UTC+0800 |
Constituency |
Type of Constituency | Government, Private and Public sectors |
Description of Constituency | Internet and critical information systems and industry control systems in China. |
Internet Domain Address | . cn and other domains that registered in China. IP addresses that assigned or used in China. |
Country of Constituency | China CN |
Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.
FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.