Team Information
Team nameCSIRT-ICE
Official team nameCSIRT - Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
Member sinceDecember 19, 2024
Host organizationInstituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
Country of teamCosta Rica  CR
Date of establishment2012-04-04
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+506 8000 027 478
Emergency telephone number+506 8000 762 733
E-mail address
Postal address10108
Business Hours
TimezoneCST (UTC-6)
Description of business hours7:00 - 16:36
How to contact outside business hourscsirt@ice.go.cr slico@ice.go.cr +506 8000 762 733 +506 8000 027 478
Type of ConstituencyGovernment, Private and Public sectors
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyCSIRT-ICE scope is to provide tactical and technical support to the technological Infrastructure (IT or Operational field) managers with the purpose of solving IT security incidents. Besides, CSIRT-ICE provides specific services to a group of external customers, particularly to those in the corporate context. Task which is considered confidential pursuant to the in-force agreements. CSIRT-ICE structure is made on a Governmental, public and private basis
Country of ConstituencyCosta Rica  CR
Team PGP public key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mDMEZU6irBYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAkUO/PL1wHpECvKNAMthf2MAo87TDz+tKq8bb 82XjsVC0QEVxdWlwb3MgZGUgUmVzcHVlc3RhIGEgSW5jaWRlbnRlcyBkZSBTZWd1 cmlkYWQgPGNzaXJ0QGljZS5nby5jcj6ImQQTFgoAQRYhBLmyiNO8g0l25MQgCTFo p/NdTCPxBQJlTqKsAhsDBQkFpLj0BQsJCAcCAiICBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4HAheA AAoJEDFop/NdTCPxBwIA/i2iTrYW369mBqtxX3N8V+HdNtgPktOtxhyhYDKPNwQw AP0TEcMKj9s0qWDR8V/XJWf0XQ7rfG9z5Nht1E9bwWAZA7g4BGVOoqwSCisGAQQB l1UBBQEBB0Dy5NqwFTlwxvLBns9pnqwuCjbYxkFzMkPlNM1dy1jiVgMBCAeIfgQY FgoAJhYhBLmyiNO8g0l25MQgCTFop/NdTCPxBQJlTqKsAhsMBQkFpLj0AAoJEDFo p/NdTCPx25gA/3HeQWiyKu4dwwnxEeydhHfyKxt0TDKmPv7C9B4wNVdmAQCJysOY FIBufmNEDhFD1z65WIiEcL5LoZbE09OuNiN2CA== =7fRi -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.