
Team Information
Team nameCSIRT-Octapus
Official team nameCSIRT-Octapus
Member sinceJune 9, 2024
Host organizationOCTAPUS INC
Country of teamColombia  CO
Other countries of teamMexico, United States of America (the)  MX  US
Date of establishment2021-01-21
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+57 601 8418354
Emergency telephone number+57 601 8418354 2001
E-mail address
Postal address110121
Business Hours
Description of business hoursFrom 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
How to contact outside business hoursOn Regular telephone number: +57 601 8418354.
Type of ConstituencyOther commercial
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyThe purpose CSIRT-Octapus services is allowing organizations to optimize their services associated with security equipment. The company provides the following services. Monitoring and Detection: The security event correlation service is designed to obtain events and security alerts from multiple devices, correlating them through an engine that allows identifying possible threats or security problems that may be occurring in the monitored equipment. This allows the organization to identify real time security risks that may be taking place in the different equipment that is part of the organization. Information Security incident Management: In the information security world, incidents become more common every day and companies are more vulnerable; these events require an adequate level of response derived from well-established procedures, allowing us to react to incidents in the best possible way, minimizing damage to information systems.
Internet Domain Addressoctapus.io
Country of ConstituencyColombia, Mexico, United States of America (the)  CO  MX  US
Team PGP public key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: ID de usuario: OCTAPUS INC Comment: Válido desde: 22/05/2024 10:05 a. m. Comment: Válido hasta: 22/05/2027 12:00 p. m. Comment: Tipo: 255-bit EdDSA (clave secreta disponible) Comment: Uso: Firmado, Cifrado, ID de la certificación Comment: Huella digital: B4C773D6BBC8E9B3B877AE1D41471ED2D8E73FE7 mDMEZk4JxxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAWwQclfiqegDpQF036iUZT3sHoJbHDzMlxXzK BLpVHLa0Hk9DVEFQVVMgSU5DIDxjc2lydEBvY3RhcHVzLmlvPoiZBBMWCgBBFiEE tMdz1rvI6bO4d64dQUce0tjnP+cFAmZOCccCGwMFCQWjtUkFCwkIBwICIgIGFQoJ CAsCBBYCAwECHgcCF4AACgkQQUce0tjnP+dD6wD/bbGdjn6xo6YprnwqSKW7amXn 5eZt150QpTzDMbFd2nsBAOrXesxWcjIWOSR27oxtLptziufPnuQsVuJPos9yJooB uDgEZk4JxxIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQFhJT2q5t3ar3DL59RdDmtnTdBio/bBA8ozk YfnPcaNjAwEIB4h+BBgWCgAmFiEEtMdz1rvI6bO4d64dQUce0tjnP+cFAmZOCccC GwwFCQWjtUkACgkQQUce0tjnP+cs3gEAgXTHAKG6N+sAV9WAG+RgH6+oomGsApx3 oD+zp49fyN8BAM/BmQo1iOZif+6Xzr3JEg2t6WFomJc1YHUjSRUUe8YB =DKVU -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.