Deloitte ECC

Team Information
Team nameDeloitte ECC
Official team nameDeloitte ECC
Member sinceFebruary 1, 2019
Host organizationDeloitte ECC
Country of teamSpain  ES
Other countries of teamArgentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic (the), Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru  AR  BR  CO  CR  DO  EC  DE  GT  MX  PE
Date of establishment2012-06-10
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+34914381284
Emergency telephone number+34914381284
E-mail address
Postal addressCyberSOC EMEA Center, S.L. Calle Dulce Chacón, 55 28050 Madrid
Business Hours
Description of business hours24x7x365
Type of ConstituencyOther commercial
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyCyber Security Operation Center for clients services
Internet Domain
Country of ConstituencySpain  ES

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.