Roblox Detection and Response Team (DART)

Team Information
Team nameRoblox Detection and Response Team (DART)
Official team nameRoblox Detection and Response Team (DART)
Member sinceJanuary 29, 2024
Host organizationRoblox Corporation
Country of teamUnited States of America (the)  US
Date of establishment2023-01-01
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number000-000-0000
Emergency telephone number000-000-0000
Postal address970 Park Place Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94403
Business Hours
TimezonePacific Standard
Description of business hours0900-1700 PST
How to contact outside business hoursemail
Type of ConstituencyOther commercial
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyWe serve the employees of Roblox and customers of the Roblox platform
Internet Domain
Country of ConstituencyUnited States of America (the)  US

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.