
Team Information
Team nameSofteng-CSIRT
Official team nameSofteng-CSIRT
Member sinceMay 23, 2023
Host organizationSofteng S.L.
Country of teamSpain  ES
Date of establishment2022-04-05
Team Contact Information
Regular telephone number+34932375911
Emergency telephone number+34618795400
E-mail address
Postal addressCarrer Pau Claris 162-164, 2o 1a, 08037, Barcelona
Type of ConstituencyOther commercial
Source of ConstituencyBoth external and internal
Description of ConstituencyThe services provided by Softeng-CSIRT are addressed to the company to which it belongs, Softeng, as well as to its clients, private companies that decide to contract Softeng's support services that have an annual or three-year duration, with their respective renewal processes.
Country of ConstituencySpain  ES
Team PGP public keyAvailable in our webpage (

Team contact information provided for Incident Response purposes only. FIRST strictly prohibits the use of contact information for solicitation or marketing.

FIRST follows the ISO 3166-1 standard for country code and name listings.