FIRST Standards Committee

The FIRST Standards Committee has been meeting regularly since our last update. 12 March we had a call with updates on ISO topics by Laurie Tyzenhaus and an introduction to ETSI by Tony Rutkowski from the Center for Internet Security (CIS). 26 March we had an interesting call on "SCITT, SBOM, and the future of software supply chain security" featuring Roy Williams and Sarah Novotny from Microsoft, and Allan Friedman from CISA. 23 April we had a call with Murugiah Souppaya and Karen Scarfone from NIST to discuss the proposed changes in NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-61r3 (Revision 3) "Incident Response Recommendations and Considerations for Cybersecurity Risk Management”.

We will be having an in person meetup of the FIRST Standards Community in Fukuoka. This is scheduled 17-18:00 Thursday 13 June in the "Ran" meeting room up on the 3rd floor. If you’re interested in getting involved, by all means mark your calendars and come join.

If you would like to join our FIRST Standards Community (which is quite open, much like a FIRST SIG), here's the application.

Published on FIRST POST:Apr-Jul 2024