Growth Stack Media PR Updates

Growth Stack Media has exceeded expectations in the first quarter, surpassing the set coverage goal and delivering outstanding results for FIRST.

Throughout the quarter, they secured an impressive 21 pieces of news coverage, elevating the profiles of our executive team and highlighting the expertise of our members and VulnCon speakers. Additionally, Growth Stack Media's efforts significantly contributed to the expansion of our social media presence, with a notable increase of 834 new followers on LinkedIn and 168 new followers on X.

VulnCon played a pivotal role in generating news coverage in Q1. FIRST was prominently featured in two broadcast news segments with CBS 17, reaching a large television audience. Moreover, they secured top-tier coverage in a series of articles with renowned publications such as InformationWeek and DZone. These articles further solidified our position as a leading authority in security. To view the full range of news coverage featuring FIRST, please click here

FIRST CEO Chris Gibson's commentary on security best practices was also recently featured in both Spiceworks and VMblog, in honor of World Password Day.

As we move into Q2, we are excited to maintain this momentum, with a particular focus on maximizing media opportunities at FIRSTCon. If you are interested in participating in PR opportunities at FIRSTCon, please complete the form.

Published on FIRST POST:Apr-Jul 2024