Message from the Chair
“What can my team do to become more involved in the FIRST community?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions by new and long-time members alike. While not an all-inclusive list, common answers include – join a special interest group (SIG) that is relevant to you or your organization, attend an event (not just the annual conference), become a FIRST trainer or mentor, and contribute to the FIRST slack discussions. This is great advice for identifying what activities to join, but it is also important to note that how one contributes within those activities is even more important
Following the FIRST Code of Conduct is a critical component to being a valuable contributor. It should serve as the foundation of how you interact and communicate with others in both virtual and in-person FIRST activities. By doing so, you will begin building a trust relationship with your fellow members, which is essential for effective collaboration. Another area to consider is what skills and information you can share. When it comes to cyber information sharing, we are taught to ensure it is timely, relevant, and actionable. This triad is helpful to follow even when contributing to a FIRST SIG or slack discussion. Before sharing, ask yourself:
- Is it relevant to the FIRST mission and its members?
- If it doesn’t have an explicit correlation to cybersecurity, have I included a reason for sharing it?
- What is the motivation and intent of my contribution?
- Is that intent clear for an international audience or could it be interpreted differently?
- Is it violating TLP or confidentiality agreements, or is it unethical in any way?
Will there be times when members disagree on a topic? Yes, but debates done properly can achieve great things! These suggestions are in no way meant to discourage you or your team from participating, but rather to enhance and enable meaningful contributions across FIRST activities.
For many, each new year brings the opportunity to reflect and identify new goals and areas for improvement. Take a moment and reflect on how you have been contributing to FIRST activities and what you want that to look like in the new year.
I look forward to many fruitful discussions and joint accomplishments in the new year!
Published on FIRST POST: Oct-Dec 2024
Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000