Call for Papers

The Call for Papers Closed January 31, 2025. We are no longer accepting submissions. Thank you for your interest.


Please join us for the 2025 Vulnerability Management Ecosystem Collaboration, Ideation, and Action Conference (aka “VulnCon”) Co-Hosted by FIRST and the CVE Program. The conference will take place April 7th through 10, 2025. The location for the event will again be the University of North Carolina, McKimmon Center.

The purpose of the conference is to collaborate with various vulnerability management and cybersecurity professionals to develop forward leaning ideas that can be taken back to individual programs for action to benefit the vulnerability management ecosystem. A key goal of the conference is to understand what important stakeholders and programs are doing within the vulnerability management ecosystem and best determine how to benefit the ecosystem broadly.

Call for Papers

We are seeking session talks and training/workshops on the following topics:

VulnCon 2025 will have nearly 150 open speaking and/or training sessions available, so please consider submitting a session or education training to share with the ecosystem.

CFP Timeline

Speaker Privileges

To help keep registration fees reasonable for all, we do not offer special discounts for speakers or workshop presenters. There is no accommodation or travel support provided.

Submission Process

All proposals should be submitted via EasyChair using the link below. If you are new to EasyChair, a registration will be required before accessing the submission form. Please give yourself a mininum of 5-10 minutes to complete your submission. You are welcome to submit multiple proposals.

EasyChair Submission Form - Closed

If you have questions or need assistance with EasyChair, please email

Call for Volunteers – CLOSED

We are seeking motivated community members to join us and help us deliver this one-of-a-kind industry event. We are looking for volunteers for the following program committees:

Thank you for your support!