2025 VulnCon Sponsorship Opportunities

What is VulnCon?

In 2024, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) and the CVE Board came together to create a joint conference focused on the critical vulnerability management ecosystem. This conference assembles experts from across the numerous standards/frameworks groups, tools, and incident response teams related to the pursuit of identifying, classifying, remediating, and disclosure of vulnerabilities to the industry.
VulnCon stands out from other cyber security conferences with its focus on product security incident response, coordinated vulnerability disclosure and vulnerability management. The goal of the conference is to understand what important stakeholders and programs are doing within the vulnerability management ecosystem and best determine how to benefit the ecosystem broadly.

How can you or your company help?

Volunteers from around the world have joined together to create this conference for sharing knowledge, experience, and ideas on the topic of vulnerability management and disclosure. This community of volunteers is doing all the heavy lifting to plan and launch the conference. However, VulnCon needs financial support from corporate and individual sponsors to keep the cost of attendance low and the value to the local industry high. As a sponsor, you are making a solid investment in your own brand, helping to grow talent in the cyber security community and foster information sharing and collaboration across the community at large.

We have designed a sponsor program that will enhance your standing among this very important audience. Keep in mind there are sponsorship programs available whether you represent a large vendor, are an individual looking to donate, or something in between. Every sponsor brings value and contributions that can help the VulnCon mission and security community.

We are confident that your company would benefit from the exposure and networking opportunities that come with sponsoring our event. As a sponsor, your company will have the opportunity to showcase your products and services to a highly engaged audience, as well as participate in various networking activities and meet with potential customers and partners. As an exhibiting sponsor, you might use your table to recruit new employees, demonstrate your products, run competitions, or just come out to support the product security scene.

Who is likely to attend the VulnCon 2025?

There are industry leaders, thought leaders, information security professionals, and even students who wish to expand their body of knowledge. Attendees have diverse backgrounds but their common goal is to learn about emerging cyber security issues and connect with peers who want to work together to solve them.

Common attendee titles may include:

Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor $8,000
Gold Sponsor $5,000
Champion Sponsor $2,500
Lanyard $4,000
Coffee / Drinks $1,500
Lunch $5,000
Networking Reception $12,000
After party $15,000

Please reach out to the FIRST Events Office (events@first.org) with your sponsorship interest.

Sponsorship Prospectus