April 2007 FIRST Technical Colloquium

Doha, (QA) — 12-16 April, 2007

FIRST is an international confederation of trusted computer incident response teams who cooperatively handle computer security incidents and promote incident prevention programs.

The Doha TC marks the inaugural FIRST event in the Middle East region. The program will include a wide range of presentations and hands-on workshops on issues such as Identity Theft, Privacy, Standards, Compliance (technical or legal), Cyber Crime, Law Enforcement, Incident Response, Damage Mitigation & Recovery, Transaction Security, Vulnerabilities, Risk and Threat Assessment, and relevant Case Studies.

The event will be held at the Doha Ritz-Carlton Hotel, one of the premier hotels of the Gulf region. The main sessions of the event, designed for FIRST members, will be conducted from Friday through Sunday. Additional workshops and presentations are scheduled before and after the FIRST sessions, for the benefit of local and regional partners.

A special open session on “The State of Cyber Security in the Gulf Region” is scheduled for Saturday afternoon.

Information on the sponsor, the CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC) at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, can be found at www.cert.org.
Information on the local host organizations can be found at www.qcert.org and www.ict.gov.qa.

Call for participation


The Doha FIRST TC will offer a wide range of presentations on topics in Information Security for our colleagues and partners. The initial set of topics includes:

  • The State of Cyber Security in the Region
  • The ISO 27001 Standard for Information Security Management
  • How and When to Use Encryption
  • Cyber Investigation Issues & Techniques
  • Building Organizational Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

Presentation time slots range from 30 minutes to two hours, inclusive of Question and Answer time.


The Doha FIRST TC will offer a wide range of presentations on topics in Information Security for our colleagues and partners. The initial set of topics includes:

  • The State of Cyber Security in the Region
  • The ISO 27001 Standard for Information Security Management
  • How and When to Use Encryption
  • Cyber Investigation Issues & Techniques
  • Building Organizational Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

Presentation time slots range from 30 minutes to two hours, inclusive of Question and Answer time.


The Doha FIRST TC will also include a set of technical sessions emphasizing applications in information security. Note that some of the sessions will be designed specifically for and participation restricted to FIRST members. Initial topics include :

  • Cyber Forensics
  • Honeypot Networks
  • The ABCs of PGP

The sessions are usually hands-on, ranging in length from one to four hours, as needed. The number of participants will range from six to eighteen per session, as constrained by technical requirements.