Akihabara, also known as Akihabara Electric Town (Akihabara Denki Gai), is a neighborhood in Tokyo, Japan. It is located less than five minutes by rail from Tokyo Station. Its name is frequently shortened to Akiba in Japan. While there is an official locality named Akihabara nearby, part of Taito-ku, the area known to most people as Akihabara (including the railway station of the same name) is actually Soto-Kanda, a part of Chiyoda-ku.
Akihabara is best-known as one of the largest shopping areas on Earth for electronic, computer, anime, and otaku goods, including new and used items. New items are mostly to be found on the main street, Chuodori, with many kinds of used items found in the back streets of Soto Kanda 3-chome. First-hand parts for PC-building are readily available from a variety of stores. Tools, electrical parts, wires, microsized cameras and similar items are found in the cramped passageways of Soto Kanda 1-chome (near the station). Foreign tourists tend to visit the big name shops like Laox or other speciality shops near the station, though there is more variety and lower prices at locales a little further away. Akihabara gained some fame through being home to one of the first stores devoted to personal robots and robotics.
Source: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihabara (January 2008)
Every person entering Japan must have a valid passport. In addition, persons coming from certain countries must have a visa issued by a Japanese consulate in their country. Please be aware that in some cases, it takes more than one month to obtain a visa. For details, please inquire at your nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate: http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/.
Participants requiring an official letter of invitation for visa process, please contact our local host through first-tc-tokyo@sdl.hitachi.co.jp, and provide us your full name, organization, complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Narita International Airport is located on the east side of Tokyo.
The Akihabara UDX Gallery venue is located directly in front of JR Akihabara Station.
Akihabara UDX, 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 Japan
Alternatively, if the Airport Limousine service serves your hotel directly, this is the most convenient service for those with baggage (avoiding changing trains at Tokyo Station or other JR stations). The airport limousine site provides schedules, fares and hotel search services (roughly 90 min./ one way fare to central Tokyo 3,000 JPY).
The majority of attendees will be travelling by train during the weekday rush hour. The lines servicing the venue from the hotels are relatively tame by Tokyo standards however expect to stand in a crowded train. Attendees travelling with any significant baggage might consider sharing a taxi is an alternative.
All public transport runs between 5 am - and 12 am, everyday, reasonably often (metro every 5-15 mins, buses max 20 mins.). Several useful information sites about the public transport of Tokyo area are also available.