STIX/TAXII Technical Colloquium

Leuven (BE), 14 – 15 July, 2014

FIRST and LSEC in coordination with DHS are organizing a STIX/TAXII Technical Colloquium.


Background & participation

What are the minimal prerequisites (technical background) to successfully attend this course?
Some knowledge of threat intelligence and computer security would be beneficial but is not necessarily required. The developer sections will assume a basic knowledge of XML and programming languages (in particular Python) but this knowledge is not required to get value from the rest of the course.

Technical requirements PC's / classrooms

Should attendees bring their own PC's? What are the technical requirements? What – if anything - will be installed?
You are not required to bring their own PC but if they want to do so to follow along that's perfectly fine.

On day one (overview) there's no need to come with any software pre-installed. It will be fairly high level. On day two (deep dive) those attendees that choose to bring their own PCs could prepare themselves by installing an XML editor (Oxygen, Eclipse, XMLSpy) to work directly with STIX XML and Python and Python editor to work with the bindings/APIs. However, this is not required to get value from the material.

Training material

Registrants may access the training material online at:


STIX/TAXII Technical Colloquium

Click on the map to see it enlarged on Google Maps.

STIX/TAXII Technical Colloquium

Click on the map to see it enlarged on Google Maps.

The event will be held at the LSEC Headquarters KU Leuven located at:

Kasteelpark Arenberg
3001 Heverlee