FIRST in the News 2016

ITProPortal — Without a doubt, 2016 was the year of the DDoS. The year came to a close with a major DDoS attack on DNS provider Dyn, which took down several major internet sites on the Eastern US seaboard. This attack was different - not so much in terms of its volume or its technique, but in the fact that instead of being directed at its intended target, it was targeted at network infrastructure used by the target.

Fedscoop – Shaun Waterman of Fedscoop covers a project of FIRST members and the NTIA to describe vulnerability coordination scenarios and corresponding patterns of communication.

ITWeb Africa – Article describes the 5th Regional Cybersecurity Summit in Egypt, and mentions training FIRST has organized together with the government of Egypt.

SC Magazine UK – Thomas Schreck and Margrete Raaum of the FIRST boardy told an audience at 4SICS 2016, co-organized by FIRST, on why cyber-threat intelligence plays an important part in information sharing in the energy industry. – FIRST conference one of nine “conferences worthy of consideration for the security leader or CISO, security professional and operational business leader.”

Network Security Journal – FIRST Board member Serge Droz comments on why encryption technology often gets a strong response from governments.

NCCIC Monitor Newsletter – The newsletter of the US Industrial Control Systems CERT describes how their team won first place in the annual Dragon Research Group FIRST Challenge at the 28th Annual FIRST Conference in Seoul. – Kate O’Flaherty asks what the information security industry can do to encourage more women to join the sector. FIRST Chair, Margrete Raaum, responds.

Digital Times (Korean) – Margrete Raaum, Chair of FIRST, and Kee-Seung Baik, President and CEO of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, discuss the forthcoming FIRST conference in Seoul, Korea from June 12th – 18th.